{^..|. Empathy .|..^}

563 8 18

Requested by: _wend1go
(If anyone doesn't like Gnarpy x NPC this chapter might not be for you T^T)
(Otherwise, enjoy!)
(Also special mention at end)

Pest stood in the elevator, eyes closed and listening to the soft tunes of the elevator radio. Finally he was able to have the elevator to himself, nobody else to bother him. It was getting harder to find an empty and sane elevator these days, especially one that didn't have Poob in it.


Pest opened an eye, slightly turning to look at the elevator doors sliding open. The elevator music he once knew was replaced with the eerie melody of Two Stud Camp. The cold air filled the elevator. It was a good thing Pest wore his jacket. He peeked outside, seeing the dim lights in the distance and the tall trees towering over the camp. It wasn't long before a huge gust of wind swept over the camp and put all the lights out to be replaced by green and blue ones in the sky. UFOs zipped by, but Pest was expecting to see a specific one. A green UFO tore through the sky, leaving a trail of dark green smoke as it crashed through the trees. "That's xim.." Pest softly smiled and laughed.

Eventually the green feline stormed into the elevator with a pissed expression and branches stuck in xeir fur. Pest eyed them silently before speaking up. "You good?"
"Of courze not!" Gnarpy said, shaking xeir head aggressively and flinging a twig from behind xeir ear.
"You know, you're a terrible driver." Pest stated.
"What?! No I'm not!" Gnarpy protested.
"You clearly are."
"Pleaze! I'm Co-leader of planet Gar, I'm the best driver!"
"Mhm." Pest said "You try to act so tough all the time, why not let down the act for once."
Gnarpy turned to him "What do you mean?"

Pest walked over to xim, putting a hand on Gnarpy's shoulder. "Believe me, I gotta act tough around the others just so they can leave me alone." He said "You wanna act tough so everyone will think you're a dangerous and fearsome leader, which I think is kind of stupid.."
Gnarpy frowned "It'z not."
"I know you have some empathy in you.. Just like I might.."
"Even if I had empathy, who would I have it for?" Gnarpy questioned.
"What about me?" Pest asked.
Gnarpy was quiet for a moment "..I wizh.. But the other Gnarpianz would never look at me the zame way again."
"Who cares what they think? They don't even need to know."
Gnarpy sighed "I can't believe I'm zaying this, but.. Maybe I am an azzhole zo much zo that I forget I need love az much az anyone elze doez."
Pest giggled "You corny feline."
"Eugh, what did you do to me?!"
"I made your life a little less miserable. Wanna go to Bugbo's floor?"
"Zure, why not."

When they both got there, they lied down in the short grass. Pest held Gnarpy's hand. "Wow, your fur is really soft." Pest said, slightly surprised. "I don't think anyone haz ever zaid that before." Gnarpy replied, looking over at him. Gnarpy turned xis head and glanced over at the elevator "Nobody better find uz like thiz."
"What are they gonna do? Tell the entire Regretevator?"

(Up in the tree above them was Jello_Pla, and yes, yes they were gonna tell the entire Regretevator.)

(Got a bit silly and decided to add Jello_Pla for absolutely no reason, this person has just completely leeched their way into my stories lol)

(596 words!)

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