{<.|.. The Dream Parasite ..|.>}

625 9 12

Requested by: Cobwezxoxo
(Enjoy platonic Dream Parasite x Y/N :D)

You stood in the elevator, staring mindlessly at the ceiling. Your vision is growing blurry and the overlapping conversations of NPCs and players fades to nothing. You feel your body weaken as you've been traveling on this elevator and risking your life for hours, your body finally accepts sleep.

In an instant, you blackout, suddenly ripped from reality and into an oddly soothing space.

Nothing no longer feels blurry. You float in a void of nothing but darkness and 2D white shapes dotting the area. Was this a dream? You kick your feet, floating through the void and looking around, although there wasn't much to see.

"You tired, tired soul." A soothing voice rang throughout the void.
You turn around, spotting a massive dark figure with a red eye staring at you.
Instead of freaking out, you're calm. Something about this figure's presence was calming.
"That horrid elevator.. Tired out way more than one soul such as yourself."
"Who are you?" You ask.
"I'm afraid I can't say, would give away too much of my identity."
"If they all knew, my plan would never work."
"You don't expect me to tell you, do you?"
"No, not really."
"One day you'll learn.."

One day.


Your jolted awake from your dream, looking around confused. You're no longer in the elevator, instead back in your house. Was any of it real? That dream parasite... Couldn't have been made up in your head.

Maybe you'll see them again...

(Sorry if it was short 😭)

(264 words!)

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