[._~.. Follower Chaos ..~_.]

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Requested by: Jello_Pla

Buck sat on a shelf, staring at the empty scenery. Oh how amazing it would be to be picked up and taken elsewhere right about now. Life as Buck wasn't really that interesting. He just sat around on a shelf until a player would pick him up and shove him in their mouth, yuck. It at least gave him enough time to think about life, so much so that he has already come up with at least 50 ways to corrupt this world, maybe 51 by the next hour.


Finally! Players!
The players all piled into the room from the elevator, running around like idiots. One player began running towards Buck with open arms, ready to pick him up. Buck stared at the player with wide eyes, finally ready to get off the shelf.
Everything was about to go great!.. Until...

Another Jermbo pin swiftly came up behind Buck and gnawed off his head. The Jermbo pin looks up at the player soullessly while the player just stared in pure disbelief and disappointment. As the player walked away and sulked, the Jermbo pin snatched Buck's hat and placed it atop his own head.

While the Jermbo pin congratulated himself on doing something fucking dumb for entirely no reason but boredom, a static and raspy hissing could be heard growing closer.

The Jermbo pin spun around and stared up at a large hulking shadow, terrified. The shadow stared at the Jermbo pin confusedly. The Follower was summoned because Buck was killed... So why was he right here? Angry and confused, the Follower floated away while letting out aggravated hissing noises.

Inside the elevator stood four NPCs, Mark, Partynoob, Split, and Bive. They all stood in silence until Poob couldn't contain his energy anymore, blowing his party horn. "U GUYSS!!1! IM SO EXCITED ARENT U GUYS EXCITED?!1?1!1!" They practically screamed. "Uh.. Excited for' what?" Mark asked, confused. "THERES A HUUUGGEE PARTI TONITE!!!1!" Poob said, bouncing up and down.

Bive suddenly screamed "AHHH THEY'RE RIGHT THERE!!!" She quickly pointed to the corner of the ceiling.
The three others looked at her confused. "Who Bivey?" Split asked. "T-THE SHADOWS!! THEY'RE FOLLOWING ME AREN'T THEY?!" Bive said, panicked. Split walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder "Don't worry, Bivey, I'm sure you just seeing things." Mark scoffed "Yeah, as if none of us knew."

"Wow, you must be in an una'peeling' mood!" Split giggled.
Mark just turned away, crossing his arms.

Poob continued rambling about the amazing party they were going to, even though nobody really seemed to be paying attention. Split turned to Bive, noticing how clearly disturbed she was. "Hey, you okay?" She asked softly. Bive silently shook her head while staring around the ceiling "THE HISSING..." She half-whispered. Split suddenly could hear it to. "Hey, y'all hear somethin'?" Mark said, looking around. "Nop!" Poob blew his party horn once more.

The Follower appeared behind Poob without them realizing. "EU- BEHIND YOU!!" Bive screamed.
Poob turned around and stared up at The Follower fearfully. "FUCKING RUN!" Mark yelled, hopping out of the elevator. Split, Bive, and Poob quickly followed behind.

The Follower just slowly followed the four, it being hard to keep up.

They were in for a long week.

(556 words!)

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