Chapters 201-210

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Though Rose had offered Alessandra the choice to leave, she was slightly surprised Alessandra had taken it.

"I'm sorry for having you pick me and you've already told your friends about me but at this time, I really want to enjoy the peace before Edgar and I go back to Lockwood. There's a lot back home that I already have to deal with which is part of the reason Edgar decided to travel here. I-"

"No need for you to keep trying to explain choosing peace. I understand it, dear. I'm used to the playful banter and the cattiness of the women here but my excitement to show you off made me disregard how you would feel. I have a feeling there is a sad backstory behind the mask and your life may not have been easy. It is me who needs to apologize to you. I'm sorry," Rose sincerely apologized to Alessandra.

"Thank you," Alessandra accepted the apology. "I would still love to spend some time with you. There is so much I can learn from you. Considering Edgar and I will soon have to return to Lockwood, would you care to spend the day with us? I was planning to go shopping and leave Edgar home but we can all go out and then return for dinner."

"Are you asking that I skip out on this party I have been invited to by a dear friend?" Rose asked in a stern voice and judged Alessandra. "I don't see why I should miss out on a day with Edgar," Rose chuckled, enjoying the momentary look of horror on Alessandra's face. "I was merely teasing you, dear."

'Another example of why Edgar probably should not have spent so much time with her,' Alessandra thought.

"Back to my grandson's residence," Rose ordered the coachman waiting outside to open the door. "My sister is sick and unlikely to attend so it would not have been fun anyway. Do you have any siblings, Alessandra?"

"I have a half-sister but we do not have a good relationship," Alessandra answered.

"What a shame. I don't know how life would be without my sister. It's important for a child to grow up with siblings so that when their parents are gone, they have someone to be there for them. Nothing is stronger than a bond between siblings."


Alessandra saw right through what Rose was trying to say and asked, "Is this your way of telling me that Edgar and I should have more than one child?"

Rose clapped her hands, impressed with how quickly Alessandra caught on. "Of course. Why only have one child when I can have many great-grandchildren to play with?"

"I have to let you know early that although Edgar and I will one day have a child, it will not be anytime soon. We are not ready for a child in our lives right now."

"Well now you are hurting this old woman's heart but I can wait. I will hold all of my great-grandchildren before I pass on. After winter, I will visit you and Edgar in Lockwood. It's been so long and I must see my son. I need to wack some sense into him for letting his wife disrespect you," said Rose.

"I don't know if I can say this since I am new to the family but it has been on my mind for a while. I am not a fan of Priscilla as she is trying to ruin my marriage but there seems to be some talk of Edmund cheating on her at some point. I have heard it twice and one of those times it came from Edgar's mouth. It might have played a large part in her unhappiness."

"It did not. My husband was the one to arrange their marriage even though he knew Edmund loved someone. Priscilla found out about this woman before she married my son and to everyone's surprise she continued with the wedding. Priscilla made it clear she could live alongside Edmund and his mistress as long as no one else found out about it to ruin her reputation. I found it to be nonsense and got rid of the woman," Rose explained.

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