Three: Ivy and Thorn

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     Ivy opened up her pale blue eyes and looked up at the ceiling of her dormitory. The memory from sixth year wasn't one she particularly cared to remember, considering. She rubbed her face with her palms, blinking away the tired feeling before standing. 

     She winced as her bare feet touched the cold ground in her room, shivering at the air while throwing her blankets off her shoulders. She rolled her neck and yawned, stretching her arms out in front of her. Quickly pulling out her clothes she had tucked neatly into her trunk, pulling the white blouse over her head and tightening the royal blue robes around her neck. 

     Despite being late for her first class of the day, Ivy stood for a moment in front of the mirror. She ran her hands through her short brown hair, giving a small smile to herself with hope the day would be better than the last few had been. Slinging her leather bag over her shoulder and fixing her collar before giving a small pat to her owl and opening the door to leave her dormitory. 

     After exiting Ravenclaw Tower, Ivy spotted Ominis stood leaning up against the wall by the stairs. His hair was back to its usual slicked back and perfect nature, the bags under his eyes had faded slightly, though still visible. His dark green robes looked like they had been ironed, his face was calm and relaxed as opposed to the last few days where he had looked pointed and stressed. She approached him, leaning against the wall beside him and giving him a smile. 

     "Waiting for someone?" Ivy looked over to him, admiring the way he looked. His milky blue eyes were on the floor while he played nervously with his hands in his lap.

"We have Herbology this morning," Ominis pursed his lips. "I thought we could walk there together?" He looked anxious but smiled sweetly.

"Oh, okay," Ivy was surprised, a soft blush spreading over her cheeks as they started toward the Herbology classroom. It was sweet he had walked all the way from the Dungeons to Ravenclaw Tower just to walk with her to class. They walked in silence, Ivy sneaking looks at Ominis every few minutes.

     "I can feel you looking at me, Ivy," Ominis chuckled, shaking his head. Ivy's face flushed bright red. She turned away and looked down at her boots, listening to the echos of their feet along the marble floor in the empty hallway. 

     They arrived at the greenhouses only a few minutes before class started. Making their way over to two empty seats between Sebastian and Poppy.

     "Hi, Poppy," Ivy whispered to her friend as Professor Garlick started speaking. She smiled warmly.

     "I'm glad to see you're feeling better, Ivy," Poppy said, pulling out her parchment and quill. Ivy turned to see Sebastian whispering to Ominis again. She puzzled, they seemed to have a lot of secrets recently.

     She brushed off the jealous feeling creeping up, pulling her own quill from her bag. Class progressed as normal until she felt Sebastian tap her shoulder and pass her a ripped piece of parchment. She rolled her eyes and sighed, taking the note from him and opening it. Her heart skipped a beat, it was Ominis' handwriting.

     Stay after class, I have something to show you

     Ivy chuckled, she scrawled a message in agreement back and slid it over to Sebastian. Anxiety gripped her for the rest of class, she could barely focus on Professor Garlick explaining the use of Flutterby Bush flowers.

     Finally, after what felt like hours, Garlick dismissed everyone, Ivy put her things back into her bag messily, her mind still reeling with things Ominis could be stopping her to show her. She stood, walking quickly over to him. He looked nervous, fidgeting with his hands again. Ivy cleared her throat to get his attention. His expression softened as he smiled slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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