Chapter 3: Digimon Everywhere

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Dewey snapped out of his thoughts about seeing Rika again after what felt like years but was only a year ago. His eyes trailed over to Guilmon who was groaning as he was sent flying into the fence.

"What was that all about?" Takato asked.

"That was your Digimon eating dirt," Rika replied with Renamon standing next to her.

"Hey Dew, are we just going to watch?" Ryudamon asked.

"Quiet let's see what she up to first," Dewey stated turning his attention back on Rika.

"I saw you in a dream," Takato said reaching up and touching his goggles."No way. It can't be," he said.

'Seriously that terrible comment to make on the first meeting.' Dewey said face plaming.

"So you're a lousy tamer and you're weird," Rika stated."Now amscray unless you think you can handle us, little boy," She mocked.

"She the same as before," Dewey commented softly.

"You know her?" Ryudamon asked glancing over at his tamer.

Dewey nodded not taking his eye away from the two."Last year Digimon card tournament she beat me after insulting me by saying she didn't know how I could get to the finals."


"I'm not either a lousy tamer, and wait what do you mean little boy?" Takato asked."Guilmon is just young that's all."

"Like tamer, like Digimon," Rika stated."Come on. He's at least a rookie, Right?" she asked.

"um, uh... well yeah at least I think so," Takato said glancing at his new Digimon."That's what I was going for. you know I've never done this before," He said looking back at Rika.

'This boy is such a newbie I should probably step in before he gets hurt.' Dewey thought as he glanced at Ryudamon debating on stepping in.

"Never done what before?" Rika asked.


"Oh, how clever. Renamon," Rika said moving aside.

Renamon started walking forward closer to Takato and Guilmon.

"No, wait call her off. Come on, we don't want to fight," Takato said waving his arms around in a panic.

"I knew it you are just a little boy with a pet Digimon," Rika said balling up her fist."What do you think Digimon were made for, you goofy little gogglehead?" she asked.

"Uh, that's like asking the meaning of life," Takato stated.

"For goodness sake, let's just get this over with," Renamon said jumping up in the prepared to attack.

"Guilmon, run away," Takato commanded.

"Diamond Storm!" Renamon said blasting Guilmon with a powerful attack.

"Listen, for once," Takato said.

"Pyroshere!"Guilmon said opening his mouth and firing a red beam at a tree where Renamon was.

However, Renamon quickly avoided the incoming blast directed at her, causing the tree to take full force in the attack instead of her.

"Aah!" Renamon cried out as she came flying towards Gilmon wondering who this Digimon was.

Rika attempted to scan information on Guilmon, but couldn't seem to find any information at all."This thing is a piece of junk," She stated.

Renamon then landed on top of Guilmon who attempted to free himself by biting her arm, but Renamon's hold wasn't losing at all.

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