Chapter 2: Enter the three new Digimon Tamers

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Dewey was now sleeping peacefully in bed with Ryudamon since the incident of the strange light they both saw coming from outside of the bedroom window.

However, he was woken from his slumber as Ryudamon started growling out of nowhere. Dewey opened his eyes to see Ryudamon standing near the window growling.

"Ryuda what the matter?" He asked as he walked over to the window next to Ryudamon."I don't see anything out there," He said looking out the window.

"Something is fighting out there," Ryudamon stated.

"Go to sleep it's probably nothing," Dewey said with a yawn as he walked back over to his bed.

"Right maybe I'm just too tense," Ryudamon said getting back in bed as well.


The next morning Dewey was getting ready to head off for school he left Ryudamon to hang out in the back woods of the house where Dewey used to have camping adventures at home when he was younger.

"Alright Ryudamon I'm off to school," Dewey said."Now I left you some food in that basket," He said pointing at a green basket with some sandwiches inside of it.

"Alright see you later, but why can't I come?" Ryudamon asked.

"Sorry but it's easier keeping you here," Dewey explained waving bye to Ryudamon as he headed off for school.


Dewey was now in class talking with Jameson as they worked on a reading assignment in pairs and ended up partnering up with Jameson.

"So the first task is to summarize this story," Jameson said.

"That easy," Dewey commented.

As they were working on the assignment the fire alarm suddenly went off and everyone was made to go outside in the hallway, where the principal started rambling about some kind of monster.

"I think something strange here," Jameson commented.

Dewey nodded as he saw a boy with brown hair and yellow goggles pushing through the crowd with a worried expression on his face.

'He is worried about something that boy is familiar but I can't recall his name.' Dewey thought looking at the young boy curiously.

Dewey glanced out the window as he noticed something on the roof a figure that he recognized all too well and snuck off to the roof while everyone was distracted.


Dewey arrived on the roof and sighed as he saw Ryudamon looking down.

"It was you," Dewey said realizing it was Ryudamon like he thought."What are you doing here?"He asked.

"My bad it's just I felt something and followed it but I kept hidden from people," Ryudamon explained.

"At least you stay hidden, but something is going on today," Dewey stated.

"Guilmon!" A familiar voice shouted he looked down to see that the same boy had run off worried.

That is when he saw Henry walk out and lean against the door.

"You said Guilmon," Henry said."Well, didn't you? he a Digimon right?" He asked.

"How did you know that?" The boy asked.

"Is he an Digimon tamer too?" Terriermon asked coming from behind Henry.

"I knew that didn't seem like a stuffed toy so Henry and the other boy are tamers," Dewey stated as he continued to watch the duo from his position on the roof.

"You didn't realize that Henry had a Digimon?" Ryudamon asked.

"Well I never spent too much Henry to notice anything," Dewey said as the other boy ran off crying."Now lucky it's about home time so let's go to the park," He said glancing at Ryudamon.

"Sounds like a plan," Ryudamon said as he climbed onto Dewey's back who climbed down and went over to his bike and placed Ryudamon in the back wagon with his bag.


Dewey was now riding his bike through the park with Ryudamon chilling in the wagon.

"James and I were working on an assignment when the principal saw that Digimon and pulled the fire alarm," Dewey said."So class was pretty much cut short.

"So you never seen the Digimon or kid?" Ryudamon asked.

"The Digimon no but I have seen the kid believe him in the other class, but forgot his name think it was something with a T through," Dewey replied.

However their conversation was cut short as Ryudamon tensed up growling.

"There something up ahead," Ryudamon commented.

"Let's take a look," Dewey as he got off his bike and moved towards the bushes and stook head through slightly to get a look at what was going on.

That is when he saw the boy and his Digimon Guilmon walking by deep in thought, until a tall yellow fox came from behind and kicked Guilmon into the fence.

"Hey!" The boy shouted

"What a lousy fight," a feminine voice said getting Dewey's foucs as he turned to see a face he hadn't seen for a while."But a fight a fight," The girl coinuted.

"But I...I dreamt you," the boy sated.

'That Rika from the tournament, and wait did he say he dreamt of her?' Dewey thought looking at Rika in surpise, before becoming confused at the boy's words.

"Huh? So what? It's time to fight. So clam up. Reanamon, walk all over him," Rika said.

"I can't beleive it's her," Dewey whsipered in surpised at seeing Rika after so long.

Chapter end!

Here we have the first of the story Digimon Tamers: The Digi Knight. In this chapter, It was another day at school, when the day was interrupted by the fire alarm going off. Dewey then discovers that Henry is a tamer as well as Takaoto the brown hair oy with googles whose name he couldn't remember. Later in the park, he sees Guilmon get attacked by renamon who is parnters with Rika a girl he has't seen since the night of the tournment last year. Next chapter we will get more into the Digimon Tamer series and meet even more characters. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Thanks for reading!

Question of the chapter: What other Digimon series would you like to see a story for?

Word count:947

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