Come Back

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It was early in the weekend at Blight Manor, and there was a light stirring in the home. Only Odalia and Alador had woken up and were getting ready for their busy day.

Upstairs, in Edric's room, Edric was sound asleep with his boyfriend, Hunter, in his arms.

They had both stayed up late the night before, catching up and playing both board games and video games. They were simply just enjoying their time together after not seeing one another for so long.

Soon, Hunter's eyes slowly flitted open, a yawn escaping his lips as he gently moved Edric's arms from around his waist and sat himself up on the bed.

Hunter stood up, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. He always looked as if he rarely slept, but it tended to get better when he would spend the night with Edric, who would insist that he needed to sleep more when they weren't busy catching up.

Hunter gently bent over and left a soft kiss on Edric's forehead, gently brushing his bangs out of the way. "I have to go," he whispered to Edric, even though it seemed that he was still sleeping.

Edric hummed, gently wrapping his arms around Hunter's neck, "Noooo," he dragged on, lightly pulling Hunter forward, "come back to bed."

Hunter rolled his eyes, a smug smile on his face, "You're so cute when you're sleepy."

Edric stuck out his tongue, trying to pull Hunter back into the bed, but only managing to pull himself up slightly. "Lay down, I wanna cuddle longer!"

Hunter cracked up slightly, gently placing a hand behind Edric's head and planting a light kiss on the tip of his nose. "I have to go, I've got a long day ahead of me. I'm still the Golden Guard."

Edric grumbled, pressing his head against Hunter's chest, "Just a little longer," he murmured, still trying to pull Hunter into bed.

Hunter rolled his eyes, reluctantly allowing Edric to pull him onto the bed. "10 more minutes, okay?"

Edric grinned and gave a subtle nod, pressing his face against Hunter's neck, "10 more minutes." he muttered sleepily.
Final word count- 354

Thank you for reading! I know that this was a short chapter; it's mostly to help me get back into the flow of writing!! Hope y'all have a wonderful day/evening/night! Love ya, stranger! Hope that y'all sleep well and have the sweetest of dreams! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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