Chapter 2: Rumours

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Monday passed in a blur as rumours grew, circulated and then died about the new kids that were coming over from England. 

"Would they be hot?" Was the first one asked directly at me by Poppy, because, apparently, they were both brothers, part of a rugby team, (although no one knows what rugby is;) I think it's like football, so, in hindsight, they would be tall and muscular. 

The stereotypical British one popped up as well "Well they're going to be incredibly rich and smart, right?" which I may have believed if I didn't know where they were going to live, I mean the houses down my small cull de sac weren't exactly expensive or big enough to be a celebrity mansion, so I highly doubted that they would be posh and rich. 

Me and Poppy were in the same class last period, Geography. I loved it as it's so interesting, especially learning about the earth and how we affect it, how the smallest change can have the biggest impact. Mr Fisher was talking about some DVD we were watching, when a small, almost silent, thud landed on my desk, instantly breaking my concentration. It was a note. I usually got these, to pass on. but this one was for me. 

'There's a house near mine that's just been sold!!'  

I barley made out in the dark room illuminated by the interactive white board, which was at the front if the classroom. As soon as I read it I knew it was from Poppy. She was the type of girl that would dot her 'I's with heart, the type that, even though she was a brunette, had many blonde moments. She was also my best friend.  

'Really!? It would be amazing if they moved in there'  

I wrote back, tossing it in her direction. What!?. What else could I say, 'sorry pops but they are moving in next to me'?  


Then I'd get too many questions as well as more rumours (if that's even possible)...

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