Chapter 1: All There Is, Is Questions

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*Beep Beep Beep* I aroused to the sounds of slamming doors and rhythmic beeping, which were making their way through the open window, letting in the fresh summer morning air.

"Oh My God! How early in the MORNING!?" I screamed as I checked my alarm, waking the rest of the house up as well. 6:30am on a Sunday, this is ridiculous who is up and banging around at this time in the morning!? I angrily thought to myself. Reluctantly, I pushed back the soft, plushy, double duvet and stomped over to the window, opening the cream blinds, blinding myself as the early summer sun flooded into the yellow, walled room covered with posters, pictures and concert tickets (which seriously needed decorating) illuminating everything it touched. Outside, the street in front of my house was full of moving vans and cars blocking our small drive. 'Not again! We only just got rid of the last group of foreign college students from next door', I stated out loud with a grumble. I was glad to see the back of them as they were always up till god knows how late having parties and drinking. This was all good for a while but then it got annoying and loud, especially as my room was right next to their house and the walls weren't exactly 2 meters thick. I just hoped that these guys weren't that loud.

Seeing as though I was already up I decided on an early shower; my orchid and coconut shampoo quickly filled the bathroom with a summery scent followed by my peach blossom shower gel, which I had an endless supply of.

By the time I was finished and had returned to my room the sun was shining and everyone else was up; I could hear the muffled footsteps and the occasional cupboard door banging in the kitchen.

Surprise surprise, I thought as I made my way back over to the window, noticing that they were still outside banging and making noise like there is no tomorrow. This prompted me to go out there and tell them to keep it down, after I had sorted my hair and had breakfast of course! What? I do not want to scare the poor people with my wild, frizzy hair; they could be cute.

30 minutes later I had tamed my long, waist length, black hair and pulled it to the side in a plait, leaving some pieces out to frame my face. To accompany it, I chose some high waisted blue shorts and a tank top with my favourite white converse before making my way down stairs to the kitchen. Inhaling deeply, I picked up the recognisable smell of breakfast, which was nothing, because yet again I had to make my own breakfast because yet again everyone else had already gotten up and gone. My mum had gone to work, slapping more make up on brides to be, my dad also had gone to work, helping people manage their money while my brother was at soccer practice or, well, that's what he says. As for my sister, I never knew where she was, probably in town somewhere.

Eventually, I decided on a slice of toast and a cup of tea, although it was 20 degrees outside. With the plates washed and cleaned, it was time to meet the neighbours. As soon as I stepped out the door, the heat hit me, more noticable since there was hardly a breeze at all. The smell of freshly cut grass was evident in the air along with the chirping of summer birds in the high trees, full of their newly grown, green leaves. I walked with confidence down our small drive, waving at Mrs Collins from across the road, towards the sidewalk and then to house number 35. Planning what to say in my head without sounding to harsh I knocked on the white door.

No answer.

I knocked again.

Once more for luck, then the door opened, suddenly revealing a man in his early 30s in a dark uniform stating 'Mikes Movers' on the front breast pocket, with his slightly bigger than average stomach choosing to push out of his shirt and over the top of his trousers.

"Hello.... Um are you the new owner?" I asked with a questioning tone in my voice, hoping that he wasn't, because someone a lot younger and cuter would be better.

"No I'm Steve, from Mike's Movers" he said and gestured towards his badge and name tag. "The buyer and his family haven't flown over from England yet."

"Ohh.... okay." The disappointment was clear in my voice. "Well can you just keep the noise down then?"

"It'll be hard because I'm installing all this furniture for them before they get here, but I'll try my best" he told me, smiling; his cheerful personality shone through that small sentence making him look like a proud father. As I turned to walk away, a thought just popped into my head, "Do you know when will they be here? And there aren't any annoying toddlers are there?"

A wheezy laugh escaped from his throat at my question "They'll be arriving on Tuesday, love and, haha, no, don't worry, both kids are teens, com to think of it I think they're about your age. The oldest is 18 and the younger one is 17. That alright for you?" He said knowing the answer.

"Yeah, thanks for your time" I smiled, waving. As I turned around to walk back home, in order to get ready for my run, I heard a cheerful 'Goodbye' from behind me.

Well that was an anti climax, I thought as I pulled on my black three-quarter length tracksuit bottoms and a black tank top followed by a pale grey hoodie before locking the door and blasting my music through my earphones. I always ran especially when I had to clear my head. It really helped after what happened with Jack...

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