8|On The Road

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POV: Valeria

I woke up in the morning and the blood bag was gone which meant Nik knew I didn't drink it. I walked out to the living room and Stefan was there. " Klaus is in the bathroom he says to drink your blood though." he spoke. I didn't respond just sat on the couch. Nik must have gotten rid or Elijah's body. Nik walked out. "So, we are finally leaving this place" Nik said with a smile, again, I didn't say anything. " Did you have breakfast?" he asked me, I didn't respond. "Val?" he asked again but I just turned my head away from him. "She hasn't" Stefan responded for me. Nik sighed.

A bit later he ordered Stefan to pack our bags. He walked and sat down next to me, I ignored him. "Val, eat" he said as he held out a blood bag that I didn't take. "Val I know your mad at me but you need blood." he said insisting. I looked a the bag, I could smell it and I wanted it so bad, I could feel the veins making themselves prominent around my eyes which mad Nik look a bit hopeful, but I quickly looked away. "I don't want anything from you" I said. He sighed and looked at me sadly but I didn't care. 

Stefan came you with our bags packed and we made our way to the car. I got in but Stefan was stopped by Nik as they talked. Did they forget I could just use my vampire hearing? I could hear their distant voices. "She won't take anything from me so you will give her blood understand?" I could hear Nik demanding. "Yea okay I will." He said and they both got into the car.

"Excited?" Nik asked us. Stefan lightly scoffed and I just rolled my eyes. He looked at me and his expression softened before looking at Stefan annoyed. He then nodded towards me and Stefan looked confused for a second before nodding in understanding. Stefan grabbed a blood bag from the cooler and held it out towards me "Drink kid" he said. I slowly took the bag, I was so hungry but too angry so I just stared at it, my eyes changing every once and a while. 

Nik looked at me concerned every once and a while and Stefan looked at me slightly confused. I didn't know whether to drink it or not. I knew it was indirectly from Nik so I didn't want to but I was still hungry. After a while I just tossed it back and Nik huffed shaking his head while Stefan just put it back in the cooler. "Let's make a stop no? okay let's go there" Nik said not allowing anyone to respond before pulling into a diner. 

Stefan and Nik sat down in a booth waiting for me to sit with them but I walked to the counter and ordered my own food, I could compel the workers for it to be free so I just took it. Nik kept glancing at me and sighed slight relief when he saw me eating. It was good for me too eat human food but we both knew I still needed blood.

I hear Stefan and Nik talking about tracking a wolf pack but ultimately ignored them. The waitress had bandages wrapped around her forearm and I could smell a bit of her blood. It was so hard not to change Infront of everyone. After I finished eating Stefan and Nik weren't done and the waitress's scent was getting overwhelming so I walked outside abruptly when the waitress was talking to me and went to the back. I breathed in the fresh air when the scent of blood hit my nose again. The waitress, she followed me. My eyes turned and I couldn't change them back "Hey sweetie are you okay?" She asked "Go away" I said without turning around so she wouldn't see my eyes. But she got closer "Hey" she put a hand on my shoulder. "I said go away!" I yelled as I turned around without thinking. She gasped. She tried to run away but I could let her leave and go spilling everything. 

I grabbed her arm and pinned her against the wall. "I'm sorry but you can't say anything!" I said. She started to cry and I realized I pinned her against the wall a little too hard and I could smell the blood dripping from her head. It caused my fangs to extend and I couldn't help myself from feeding off of her. I bit into her neck and she yelped as I started to drink. I couldn't stop. It tasted so good. I never realized there was a difference between blood from bags and veins. It all happened so fast.

All of a sudden I was pulled off of her and someone was holding my arms keeping me from going back as I tried to. "Val!" It was Nik who was holding me back as Stefan went to the waitress who was unconscious. "Calm down Val" Nik said. At the sight of the lady on the floor I stopped moving. "I-I didn't mean to" I said as tears came from my eyes. "I know Val, I know" Nik said as I closed my eyes not wanting to see. "Is she o-okay?" I stuttered out, I wasn't sure I wanted to hear the answer. Nobody responded.

Niklaus's POV: 

Me and Stefan were eating and I was happy to see Val had finished her food. I started talking to Stefan about my plan to track down a werewolf pack. I didn't even notice when Val walked out until I hear her voice "I said go away!" I could hear yell. I looked at Stefan and he looked at me. He heard her to We got up and I started walking out at a normal pace along with Stefan so no one would question it. 

Then I smelt it, blood. I ran out and say her, my baby sister doing the very thing she hated. I pulled her off and Stefan went to the waitress. "Val!" I yelled. "Calm down Val!" I said. She saw the waitress and stopped squirming. "I-I didn't mean to" she said as she started to cry. I felt so bad for her "I know Val, I know" I tried to reassure her. She squeezed her eyes shut "Is she o-okay?" she asked. I turned to Stefan for an answer, he shook his head no.

 "Val I- I'm sorry" I said and she burst into tears and slid down the wall. I went down to hold her and she looked at the waitress once more. Stefan's eyes widened as she looked his way, I didn't know why at first and then I looked at her, my eyes also widened. Her eyes. They weren't black like they were when she vamped out or brown like they were when normal. They were gold. Gold like my eyes were. She was a wolf. A hybrid. Like me. She was my full sibling. My only full sibling. However, she didn't realize her eyes were different, and after looking at the waitress she looked back down in shame of her actions. 

Stefan's POV: 

Nik was talking to me about his plan to find a wolf pack when we heard Valeria yell with our vamp hearing "I said go away!" we heard and started going outside but vamped when we smelled blood. She was feeding on a waitress. 

Klaus pulled her off and I went to the waitress. I couldn't hear or feel a pulse. I fed her my blood but that did nothing. She was dead. "Val! Calm down Val!" I heard Klaus say to Valeria. She stopped moving and started to cry "I-I didn't mean to" she said. I felt pity for her. Sure I didn't particularly like her considering she had basically betrayed us and helped Klaus but I could tell she felt bad.

"Is she o-okay?" she asked as she closed her eyes. Klaus looked at me for an answer and I shook my head. "Val, I-I'm sorry" he said. I've never heard him apologize or show much emotion before but she seemed to bring that out of him. She started to have a breakdown and looked this way to see the waitress. My eyes widened.

Her eyes were gold. Wolf gold. She was a hybrid. Like Klaus. Did she know? Did Klaus know? I seemed neither of them knew because when I looked at Klaus he had the same shocked expression as me and she just went back to crying. 

Valeria MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now