2|Settling in

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Valeria had taken a shower and was in a room with the girls as they picked out clothes for her while she watched curiously. "So how did you end up on the other side when you're only 14?" Asked Elena curious as to how someone would harm a child. "My father killed me." She spoke and everyone froze surprised by her response. "Oh, Im sorry" spoke Elena. "It's alright, my father is responsible for his own actions. Although I hope he doesn't find me". "Your father's a vampire?" Asked Bonnie. "Yes, mother turned us all into vampires." She spoke, the others didn't ask how she was turned, otherwise they might have figured out she was an original . "Well he probably won't find you here" Caroline spoke while handing Valeria some clothes. She smiled and changed into shorts and a T-shirt while messing and touching her clothes constantly not used to the style and texture. "Is the clothes alright?" Caroline asked. "Yes but what will I wear on top?" She asked. Shorts were definitely not appropriate for girls during her time. "What do you mean?" Elena asked. "In my village I would have been shamed and thrown out of the house for this" she spoke while pointing to the shorts. "Oh in this time this clothes is completely normal but we can get you some pants if you're more comfortable " Caroline spoke up. "Yes please" she spoke. After she changed into the pants the girls showed her to bed and Caroline said she would be staying here for her in the room across if she needed anything.

She went to bed but a while later she needed to use the bathroom. She didn't want to wake Caroline and make her mad so she went downstairs where she heard Stefan and Damon talking in the dark. They heard her and it seemed she caught them off guard because she was pinned against the wall by Damon but she pushed him off quickly due to her strength and accidentally threw him all the way across the room and he groaned. "Damon next time check who it is before you attack them" Stefan said. "God you're strong how are you so strong?" Damon finally spoke. "I don't know" she shrugged. "Are you alright?" Stefan asked her. "Yes I'm alright " she spoke. "Of course she's alright it's me you should be worried about. God that hurt" Damon spoke making her and Stefan chuckle. "Why are you up anyways?" Damon asked "I wanted to use the bathroom" she said. "It's the 3rd door from the right" said Stefan. "Thank you" Valeria responded and walked away then Stefan broke out into laughter at Damon while helping him up. "She is way stronger than she looks" Damon said. "Sure she is" Stefan said while still laughing. "No seriously that hurt a lot" Damon said with a curious face while Stefan ignored him.

In the morning Valeria made her way down stairs to find everyone from last night talking and having breakfast "Hey come sit down!"cheerful Caroline said. She went and sat down while they served pancakes and bacon that she eyed curiously. "Food in this century is so different" she curiously mumbled while trying her food "although it tastes amazing"she said surprised. "Thank you " spoke up Stefan while she just smiled. Enjoying her meal. Stefan set a cups next to her and Caroline. It was blood, she smiled and drank it all. Afterwards she started walking to outside when Tyler grabbed her arm scaring her as she shoved his arm off her. "Ow, sorry I didn't mean to scare you. You're pretty strong though. Anyways I was just letting you know that someone else is coming, he's human so make sure you've had enough blood before he gets here." He spoke. "Okay I will" she said her heart still racing from the fear she had felt moments ago. He walked away and she calmed down.

"Alaric hey!" Elena spoke as Niklaus arrived in Alarics body . "Hey Elena!" He responded. "Did Bonnie tell you about the vampire she accidentally brought back from the other side?" She asked. "No, who are they? Are they dangerous?" He inquired. "She's only 14 and seems pretty nice so I don't think so. However Damon keeps saying she's really strong but Stefan says it's just his bruised ego." She spoke chuckling . He turned to the window and say a girl outside, his sister. He couldn't believe it she died years ago at the hands of their father. She never saw him as a bastard and was the only one who tried to stop their parents from putting the curse on him suppressing his wolf side. " Is that her" he asked in shock but Elena didn't seem to notice. "Yea that's her do you want me to introduce you?" She asked "no it's alright I can introduce myself " he said.

"Valeria?" He asked in shock. "Yes who are you?" She's asked . "Val, you need to be quiet when I tell you this, it's me Nik" he said as she furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion. "You're lying, you look nothing like Nik, how do you know about him?" She asked her eyebrows still furrowed . "Val it's me, I am just borrowing this body but it's me." "Prove it" she said. "The day after I first turned you came to find me, you brought me clothes, you told me I wasn't a beast or bastard like father said and that you still loved me." Valeria's eyes widened in realization. "Follow me" he said and led her out of the others view. As soon as nobody could see them the hugged each other. "Nik!" She said. "I thought you were gone forever Valeria, I missed you so much" he spoke, his eyes watering. "I missed you too" she said. "Why aren't you in your body?" She inquired. " I'm in the body of someone named Alaric Saltzman to get information from these people so I can break my curse. Don't tell anyone who I really am okay?" He said "okay" she responded. "Just be careful of the wolf" she warned. "The wolf is harmless unless there is a full moon, make sure to stay safe when there is okay?" He said "okay, you too" she responded.

Valeria MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now