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POV: Valeria

I was washing the clothes in the river when I heard Rhebekah yelp. "Bekka!" I yelled turning around to see father standing over her and ran in front of her as he hit me instead but I didn't yell and tried not to cry. I was used to taking beatings from him, however Bekah was not.

"Bekah" I yelled


"Leave her alone!" I said as I try not to let the tears fall from my eyes. He shoved me aside hard and I fell far to the side as he hit her again "No!" I yelled as I shielded Rebekah. "Go inside Val, its's fine just go" Rebekah spoke up with her voice a blubbering mess. "No" I spoke to her before turning to father "I took the rations it wasn't her now leave her alone." I spoke, It wasn't her I knew it because she was with me the whole time but father wouldn't believe me and I couldn't just watch him beat her. I knew he would believe I did it since he hated me and the feeling was mutual. "That's not true father she didn't do it!" Rebekah vouched for my innocence but my father didn't believe her.


"Go inside you stupid girl your sister needs to be punished ." He said to Rebekah and she didn't move from her position of crying on the ground behind me. "I SAID GO INSIDE" he yelled as she ran inside. I knew this would happen, I did it anyways, I hated it whenever he hurt my siblings and I couldn't stop myself from interfering no matter how many times they told me not to.

'Valeria!" I woke up breathing heavily. I was inside the Salvatore boarding house and Caroline had been trying to wake me up from my dream, it was more of a flashback to be honest. "Are you okay?" Caroline asked. "Yes I'm fine just a bad dream" I spoke. "Who's Bekah?" she asked. "What?" "Who's Bekah? You were saying her name in your sleep." she asked again. "My sister" I said quietly, Caroline could tell I didn't want to talk about it so she just changed the subject. "Well get dressed, after breakfast we are going shopping!" she squealed excitedly. "What do I wear to go shopping?" I asked and she handed me pants that were called jeans apparently and a shirt she called a t-shirt. I briefly wondered if she had the shirts and alphabetical order but shrugged it off. "These jeans are weird" I said as I put them on. "Yea, I know they're uncomfortable but , society" she shrugged.

We went downstairs for breakfast and saw Stefan, Damon and Alaric. "Hello" me and Caroline said and they all responded with mixed hello's. "Who are you?" Alaric said which confused me. "This is Valeria, the vampire Bonnie accidentally brought back, she luckily doesn't seem dangerous though and is only 14" Stefan explained and I realized what had happened. Nik got out of his body. I dropped my confused face for a second but quickly put it back up because I wasn't supposed to know about that.

"Turns out this bad guy named Klaus had kind of possessed Alaric's body so the guy you met wasn't Alaric, it was Klaus." Caroline explained. "Bad guy?" I questioned, Nik wasn't bad, he didn't always obey others but he wasn't a bad person. "Yea it's a long story but he's a bad guy" She responded. "That's enough Caroline she doesn't need to know everything" Damon finally spoke up. I was annoyed, this was my brother they were talking about, but of course they couldn't know that so I just shrugged it off.

Me and Caroline went outside and she showed me what a car was, another fascinating invention of the modern world, what's next? We got to the first shop where there were lots of people in the weird clothes and girls hardly wearing anything. What would their fathers think if they saw them advocating for their business in front of everyone? Caroline and I were walking into the shop when we ran into a girl who was exposing her stomach and wearing short shorts but I didn't comment since I didn't want to be rude and she seemed to be friends with Caroline. They were talking and all of a sudden the girl spoke up "Who's this?" she asked gesturing towards me. I remembered what Elena had said about no supernatural stuff so I just turned to Caroline who spoke up. "This is my cousin and she's come to town for a while." Caroline explained. 'Cousin' I repeated in my head 'I'm Caroline's cousin' I repeated in my head. "Oh well nice to meet you I'm Sarah Gibson what's your name?" she asked. "Valeria" I responded. "That's a pretty name. What's your last name?" she asked. My brothers would say we are the Mikaelson's but I'm his daughter so I'm Mikael-dottir. "Mikael-dottir" I responded quickly with a smile. I could tell she didn't really understand but she just let it go. "Well Valeria, I guess I'll see you around" she said before saying goodbye to Caroline and walking away.

"I just realized I didn't know your last name until now!" Caroline spoke but I was still looking at the Sarah girl with confusion on why she had talked to us and was now talking to another girl. Most people of her profession focus on men so I started to doubt myself. "Is she a strumpet?" I whispered to Caroline so nobody would hear and Sarah wouldn't get offended. "What?" she whispered back. "Is she a strumpet?" I asked again "What's a strumpet?" she asked "A lady who sells her services" I responded but she just looked more confused "A whore" I finally said. "What!?" she exclaimed shocked by my question. "No she's not a whore why would you say that?" she asked. "Well most of her skin is exposed." I defended. "That's the style nowadays." she explained and I raised my eyebrows. "Well I'm not wearing anything like that my father would-" I cut myself off. I was about to say 'kill me' but he already did that. I thought of the day it happened.

I can't do it, I can't. "I won't do it" I said. I was never the best at sticking up for myself but I couldn't kill someone. "Yes you will!" my father said. Father was forcing me and my siblings to kill so he could make sure we weren't bastards like he said Nik was. Nik wasn't a bastard, he was my brother. I kept refusing to kill and he started to beat me but I still said no. Since we were immortal now there was nothing holding him back from beating us to death. He took a knife and stabbed me in the heart, I pulled it out and threw it at him. It didn't matter what he did to me I wasn't going to kill that lady. He lunged at me and I threw him against the white oak which caused a piece to fly off. He grabbed it and staked me in the heart. He had staked all of us with wooden stakes before but this one was different. The last thing I remember was my siblings crying and yelling my name trying to save me.

Valeria MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now