Joseph smiled at them as Riley lifted his head from the table. He spat on the table before looking Jestion in the eyes.

"He's a distraction," Jestion said before he took off out of the room.

Riley looked at his Fiancée leaving and sighed, throwing Joseph to the guards. "Hold him here; we'll be back," he said before signaling them to leave.

Mora sat still and calm as she waited for him to come out. She knew Jestion would know she sent Joseph on purpose. When she saw the whole Easton group come out, she noticed they were short a member, but before she could move, she was grabbed.

Jestion held onto her and quickly disarmed her, throwing the gun off the roof before she kicked him. He held his stomach as she got free and turned to him.

"My dear friend, it's me and you again." She said before charging at him. Jestion reached into his boot, pulled out a small knife, and stabbed her in the side.

She let out a scream as he pushed her to the edge of the roof. She reached into her pants and pulled out her own knife, stabbing him in the shoulder.

Jestion didn't let go as he felt the object lodged in his shoulder. He lifted her up and threw her off the rooftop of the hideout right in front of the group.

Riley stared at the woman in shock as she scrambled to get up. He looked up to see his fiance leaning to the side and holding his shoulder.

Turning back to Mora, he kicked her down, and she glared at him as everyone pointed their weapons at her.

"This is for Carl." He said as he kneeled down next to her.

She fought him as he grabbed her hand, placing his gun in it before pointing it at her head. He placed his hand over hers as he pushed down on the trigger.

He stared into her eyes, watching as she died, and stood up, leaving her with the gun.


Alexi panted as he continued to hang from the chains. He was pissed knowing his back tattoo would be fucked up now from all the whip marks Hayden put there. Having had enough, he broke his thumbs and released himself from the restraints.

He looked over at the table and saw nothing to pick the lock with. Sighing, he took a head start and ran at the wall, launching himself up to the beam.

He hung on it slowly pulling himself up as he waited for someone to walk in. As he waited, he felt around his arm for a button he had implanted and pressed it, alerting his group that he had escaped.

The door creaked open, and one of Hayden's guards walked in with a pair of clothes. He quickly tried to leave when he noticed the room was empty, but it was too late.

Alexi jumped down on top of him and applied pressure as he snapped the man's neck. Grabbing the gun from his waist, he held the man in front of him as he walked out.

He quickly shot the two guards outside of the room before dropping the man and grabbing their guns and a set of keys.

He looked at the cells and noticed women, children, and men sitting in them. Some of them had bruises all over and could barely move. Others were lying on the floor, unmoving.

He made a quick note to come back as he made his way upstairs. Carefully making his way to Hayden's office, the man looked shocked to see him when he entered.

Not giving the man any time to react, Alexi ran and jumped on him, banging his head against the desk to knock him out. Once he was sure Hayden was gone, he used the man's tie to bind him.

He let out a sigh, hearing gunshots coming from outside, meaning his backup had arrived.

Riley walked through the house, watching bodies drop around him. He whistled, walking with his hands in his pockets to find Alexi. He rolled his eyes when he made it to Hayden's office, and the man was staring in a mirror, trying to look at his back tattoo.

"Alexi, hurry the fuck up." Riley groaned as he waited. Alexi turned to him and stomped his foot.

"He fucked up my tattoo! I'm gonna cut his fucking eye out." He growled before stomping out of the room forgetting he was just in his underwear still.

Riley shook his head and followed the manchild down and out of the house as guards grabbed Hayden.

"Light it up." He told them as he left the building at got in the car.

Jestion had his arm in a sling as he started to bandage the cuts on Alexi's back. The man winced and whined like he hadn't just broken his own thumbs to escape.

"Jestion, be softer!" Alexi whined before being hit upside the head. "Stop playing around," Sooyeon said as she sat down with her wife.

Alexi grinned at her before sitting still so Jestion could finish. "Oh, give me your phone. I need to call my cute boyfriend," Alexi said, reaching for Riley's phone. He winced when Jestion purposely pressed hard on a cut.

Before Riley could protest, Alexi had his phone and was calling Elias.

Elias was in the kitchen baking with Lucielle, trying to get his mind off everything. His phone started loudly ringing, and his breath hitched, seeing it was Riley calling. Hurrying to his phone, he picked it up.

"Hello?" He said as he answered the phone.

"Hey cutie." Alexi replied over the phone.

Elias felt numb as tears welled in his eyes.

"Alexi." He mumbled out trying not to cry.

"Well at least try to sound happier talking to me." Alexi teased.

Elias smiled and sniffled as he began to cry. "I thought you were going to be hurt."

"Nah don't worry about it love they can't kill me that easily, I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay, I love you." Elias mumbled quietly so no one could hear him.

Alexi smirked as he put the boy on speaker.

"I'm sorry baby I couldn't hear you."

"Stop being dumb Alexi." Elias replied before hanging up the phone.

Alexi pouted as he threw Riley's phone back at him. He jumped when Jestion pressed on his cut again. "Stop hurting me or I'll tell Elias!" He threatened the man.

"You don't have a phone; we'll leave you here," Jestion replied, still hating the fact that the pair were dating.

Elias finished baking the treats and made a plate for Bradley. He walked through the compound to the man's room and knocked before entering. Bradley lay on his bed clutching Carl's shirt, tears pouring down his face.

"Bradley, I made chocolate croissants with Lucille. Do you want one?" Elias said softly as he sat beside the male.

Bradley shook his head as he pressed his face further into the shirt. Elias sighed and walked over to the dresser, setting the plate down before going back. He patted Bradley's back as the male continued to sob. Elias could feel his heart breaking as he sat there, comforting him.

Bradley and Carl had been in love practically their entire lives. Elias believed the pair were soulmates. Every time they were together, Carl knew exactly what Bradley wanted. He practically worshipped the ground he walked on.

Elias couldn't believe this could happen to a couple so perfect for each other. He believed that the pair would be reunited, maybe not in this life, but maybe in the next. 

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