part 29: Shyam

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The Royal Halls of Hastinapur had been busy these past month, from the wedding of Kuru Rajkumar Yudhistir, the battle of Kuru Princes against Kingdom of Panchala, and now the crowned of eldest Kuru Rajkumar Yudhistir as Crown Prince.

In the whole palace, the busiest person aside from servants was Kathiravani, the eldest and only Kuru Kulvadhu practically ran around the palace and didn't have any time to spare. Because she was the Kulvadhu, Maharani Gandhari and Rajmata Kunti practically gave all the responsibility to her.

With responsibility came power, the servants listened to her more and also, she freely walked everywhere in this palace.

And now, the royal family prepared to welcome the envoys of the Kingdoms who attended the Crowned of Prince Yudhistir. One of them was the Rajkumar Vasudev Krishna of Dwaraka and his wife, Rajkumari Vaidarbhi.

She had hear about the way Krishna had abducted the Princess, because she refused to marry his cousin, Chedi Yuvraj, Shishupal. There was special circumstances of her birth, Krishna was her brother, they shared the same parents but she was born in Raghuvanshi, it was circumstances that only Krishna could explain.

Kathiravani stood in the back, smile crept up into her full red lips, she stood with her brothers in law, as the elders in the family welcomed them. After all the necessities, Kathiravani caught the eyes of the beautiful woman, they grinned at each other,

"Sakhi!" they both said in unison as the wife of Krishna walked towards Kathiravani, they embraced each others, they giggled at each other as elders ushered them to entered.

They walked together, but the son of Devaki stopped, he looked between his wife and sister,

"upon meeting your best friend you forget about your brother, Aaradhya?"

Kathiravani grinned as she left Rukmini's side towards her brother, she bent down to touch his feet but Krishna quickly held her by her shoulders,

"you're always having my blessings. Aaradhya," he touched Kathiravani's head with loving gesture,

"i will never forget about my own brother, Bhrata," she said as he engulfed her into a hug,

"you know each other?" Mahamahim Bhisma couldn't help but ask, as they seated facing each others, Krishna and Rukmini were Kunti's nephew and niece in law, they ought to be treated as family and not just neighbouring Kingdom, so they were intimately received, Krishna smiled as usual,

"of course, Mahamahim. Aaradhya Padmi grew up alongside me in Vrindavan, in the household of Yashoda Maiya and Nandan Baba," Kathiravani's smile dimmed at the mention of her Maiya and Baba, while Kanha gave her a reassuring nod, she sighed herself, the whole ordeal was seen by Yudhistira who observed his wife in everything she did,

"the tale of your braveness has been heard in the whole Aryavrat, Vasudev Krishna, and meeting you in person has widen my mind. You are as valorous as what people said!" Maharaj Dhritarashtra said, excitement laced in his voice,

"the braveness of Kuru Princes also has become an ode in Aryavrat, Maharaj, the Kuruvanshi has been blessed by the Gods, i've also heard that your Kingdom shall prosper and be the center of the mighty Aryavrat if the scions continue to unite like this."

"then it's my responsibility to ensure the uniting of the scions of my dynasty, Vasudev," Maharaj Dhritarashtra replied, clearly satisfied with what Kanha had told him, the maids came bring over foods, as Kathiravani helped to served all of them.

"certainly, Maharaj," Krishna replied, he looked over at his sister who served everyone meticulously and the urged to tease her began, he smiled mischievously, "also, seeing my anujaa Aaradhya knows how to act like a mature person and not leaped around like a monkey is so refreshing,"

"bhrata!" she whisper-yelled, cheeks burned with shame as she sent her brother a glare, while her brother laughed,

"you only dare to send me a glare, but you won't dare to do this towards Dau!" he accused her, his eyes twinkled, the elders laughed.

"Dau is not here," she said, "besides, i will not give you makkhan if you talk again."

He widened his eyes, at the mention of his favorite food in the world, especially if it was his sister who made it, "you make it yourself?"

"yes," she smugly said, she walked and sat next to Yudhistira, her husband held a laddoo for her and fed her, everyone around them acted like nothing happened because it was too much as common occurrence, everyone knew Kuru Kumar Yudhistira worshipped the ground his wife walked on, he was so smitten that when he looked at her as if she was the center of his universe.

Rukmini softly smiled at the way they acted toward each other, she was relieved that her Sakhi could marry someone who was kind, everyone could see the way Yudhistira's eyes twinkled when he laid eyes on Kaushalya's figure,

"i think, Aarya, you should apologise towards Sakhi, you told me that you missed her makkhan a lot,"

Kanhaiya mustered a puppy eyes that no one could ever resisted, that puppy eyes directed towards his sister, "my sweet darling sister, please forgive me and give me the makkhan that you make,"

Kathiravani saw how people around them entranced by that puppy eyes of her brother, the Shyamasundar had it in him, but she was the sibling he grew up with, it was her job to annoy him, she snapped her fingers and everyone seemed to wake up from their trance, Kathiravani smirked,

"i will not forgive you unless you give me a gift,"

Kanhaiya gasped, he dramatically touched his heart, "really, Aaradhya? Now?"

Everyone was curious as what kind of gift the Princess demanded from Dwaraka's Rajkumar to provoked him such an extent, but Kathiravani grew alongside him and already used to all of his dramatic, she held out her hand while her brother shook his head,

"what kind of gift that Babhishree wants from Vasudev Krishna?" Duryodhan asked, everyone nodded along, while Kathiravani only wriggle her palm,

"come on, do you want that makkhan or not, bhrata?"

Krishna huffed, he took morphank from his crown and placed it in her palm, "there? Happy? Now give me my makkhan."

Kathiravani smiled so big, she held that morphank in reverence, everyone blinked,

"babhi just want a morphank from Vasudeev this whole time?" Dushasan couldn't help but exclaimed, these two people who claimed that they were siblings pretty much siblings now, so dramatic and anti-climaxing, he thought that his Babhi would demand some crazy stuff that couldn't be given but she actually only wanted that morphank?!

"this is special, Susashan," Kathiravani retorted, "this is the morphank of my brother. Even if it's a rock, as long as it's a gift from my brother, it will always be special."

They were stilled like a struck of lighting, it was the intention for her that matters, that was why she was happy to receive the flowers and simple things they brought back from war, because as long as it was from her brothers, she would accept it without second thought.


A/N: i write this chapter two times because wattpad decided to be a pain in the ars* and deleted the chapter😬
Anyway, i regard Kanha as my older brother, and i'm jealous of Kathiravani who can have Kanha's Morphank. OG from his head. Enjoy the chapter.

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