Part 9: The Outting

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Kathiravani showed Yudhistira around the garden, while their younger siblings followed them. Then after some time they bring these Pandavas back to their respective chambers then went away.

While walking away Kathiravani stopped, Yudhistira also stopped on his tracks, both turn simultaneously, then chuckled upon saw each other. They walked to each other,

"um... Good night, Kathiravani..." Yudhistira blushed, thankfully the torch and lights from the moon could be able to hid it, Kathiravani nodded, she fidgeted with her hands,

"uh... I'm just thinking..." she mumbled, Yudhistira glanced at her expectantly, "can i... Can i show you around Ayodhya tomorrow?"

Yudhistira nodded excitedly, he never acted like this with other people before, for the first time he became childish, "of course!" Kathiravani smiled,

"see you tomorrow, Dharma, and good night!"

Then she sprinted away from him leaving him chuckled.

Yudhistira walked inside the chamber, his younger brothers stood with teasing smirk painted their lips,

"ooh i think Jyesth has been captivated by the beauty of our Babhishree, Bhrata Bheem!" Nakula said, mockingly fall into Bheem, the later caught him and they began their drama to teased their older brother.

Yudhistira gave them serious look, made them stopped and began to changed into his sleeping attire, completely ignored them, all of them looked at each other confused, only Yudhistira knew how hard it was to hid his smile and red face, he then sleep, couldn't wait for tomorrow.


The next morning, Kuru Princes were in training place, the place usually for the warriors of Kosala training. This place was magnificent, a lots of weapons, made by the best iron and goldsmith.

"Pranipat, Princes of Kuru Dynasty!" a man greeted them, joined his hand and bowed, they joined their hands and bowed back, "what can i do to help you?"

"Sir, we are just marvelled at how amazing the training place of the Palace is, it's so huge!" Arjun looked around, "how many people are in the army?"

"this is the training place solely belongs to our Yuvrani, Kaushalya's Antara sena, consisted of seven Akshauhinis."

"is it to rivaled Narayani Sena, Sriman?" Duryodhan asked, but Sriman Druva shook his head,

"rivaled? No. Upon hearing the mighty army of Yadav, Narayani Sena, our Yuvrani proposed to unite all of the Suryavanshi Clansmen under one banner, and founded Antara Sena," he answered patiently, by the way, these boys would be his Yuvrani's Brothers in law, in the future, "how can our Yuvrani thinks Vasudev Krishna as rival? He is her brother!"

The Kuru Princes left confused, they wanted to ask how Yuvrani Kaushalya could call Vasudev Krishna as her brother, when she was from the Suryavanshi Raghu Clan, and Vasudev Krishna was from the Chandravanshi Yadav clan?

They wanted to ask but their question left unanswered when Kathiravani came with her maid, she was holding an aarti thali, her hair covered in shawl, she wear a green clothes, with lots of jewellery, and a morphank on her head, with the sunlight fell into her, for some reason, everyone there who saw her felt like she was a divine being, she had an aura of divinity in her.

She smiled upon seeing them, when they saw her close, they noticed that her hair was decorated with jasmine and pink lotus flower.

"pranipat, everyone!" she greeted them, "take these prasad, it's from Mahadev Pooja,"

The Kuru Princes were sceptics, as they saw the prasad piled up, Kathiravani chuckled, "just take it, it's going to be enough for all of you, trust me." she then distributed the ladoos and modaks, all of them had their shares yet the amount of foods in the aarti still the same without even missed one, she then gave the aarti to her maid. She glanced at Yudhistira who nodded, "i need to speak with you, Eldest Pandav Kumar regarding the wedding, i'll meet you after you're finishing with your business."

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