The note

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When I wake up, it feels as if I have the biggest headache in the world. Does it help that the sun is shining through the windows? No, it absolutely does not. I turn over, seeing that Mikey is still asleep, meaning I get uninterrupted time watching him do so. Call me creepy or whatever, but watching the person you're in love with sleep next to you, that's one of the best things in the world. You get to watch the way their face moves when something happens in their sleep, the way they move their arms around is such a cute thing. Slowly realizing I had no nightmares was definitely a surprise to say the least, and now that I'm not drunk I remember everything in more detail. The note. I cannot believe I just fucking left it on the table! And Adam and Mikey? Is my father following me?

Before I get too deep into thought, I remind myself the whole reason I started drinking yesterday, to forget about this shit. Taking a deep breath in, I distract myself the best I can by watching Mikey. It doesn't take long before he starts to wake up, meaning that I don't get to watch him sleep again for who knows how long.
"Good-morning gorgeous, did you have any nightmares?" And just like that, my heart melts into a puddle yet again. Why does he always have this effect on me?
"No nightmares tonight." I rub my eyes, still sensitive to the sun.
"What are they about?" My heart stops for a second, looking for any excuse that I can find.
"Roxie, you're doing that thing again" Mikey grabs my hand, to which I was picking my cuticles as usual.
"They're just about my mom. Nothing serious." He looks at me, questioning whether I told the truth.
"Okay.. well you know you can tell me right? I'm not going to leave over your own emotions, okay?" I look at him, very thankful that he's here to reassure me. Nobody has done this since Evan.
"We should probably get back to the house, it's almost 1 pm.." he looks at his phone, realizing I'm right. Quickly starting to grab our stuff together, I head downstairs to say thank you and goodbye to Anthony and Alyssa, who tells me I can keep the clothes if I'd like.

Forcing myself out the door and into the car, the sun is brighter and hotter than fuck, and I can't wait to go home and be lazy for the rest of the day. After all, I have to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow. The drive back seems shorter than last night, but maybe that's also because I was so stressed out. Today, all I'm going to do is watch my show and fantasize about Mikey. That's my plan, and it's going to stay that way.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?" Mikey says as he's pulling into the driveway.
"Of course, where else would I be?" Mikey grabs my hand, looking like it's the hardest thing for him to drop me off at my house. I open the door, but I don't get out. Not yet. I look at him one last time, and he pulls me into him, kissing me. The same feelings as last night reappear; where I'm not sure if I'll be able to walk in my house because my legs are trembling. He rubs my cheek with his thumb, pulling me in for more. I pull away, because if I don't I might get pregnant in this car.
"Be safe alright?" He smiles at me one last time, before I walk in my house. If only he knew how happy he's made me.

Closing the door behind me, I greet waffles with a hug and he's just as excited to see me. Taking off my shoes, I look around and realize that it doesn't seem like my mom is home. I turn toward the kitchen, seeing only Vada on the couch.
"Vada, you're not going to fucking believe this shit!!" She turns around all excited, waiting for me to go into all the details about anything between me and Mikey.
I spend the next hour or so going into every single detail that happened, between at school, to last night, to the party on Saturday. She watches in awe as I tell her everything about us kissing, cuddling and sleeping together, looking at me as if she's watching a romantic movie. I pace back and forth, feeling my heart skip a beat every time she mentions how she knew he had a thing for me, and asking more about what happened while we were together. The details replay in my head every time I talk about it, like a broken record I can't stop listening to.
"So are you guys dating now? Are you planning on sex?"
"Vada! Be quiet! Mom might hear us!! And no, not yet. Id prefer to be dating." She wows at me, before turning over again.
"Mom's not home, she went out for lunch with someone." I give her a questionable look, and she continues doing her thing.
"Not sure, probably her work friend." I nod, beginning to take myself up to my room.

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