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When I wake up again, it's 7 in the morning. Turning over, I realize that Mikey is gone. Sitting up, I begin freaking out, wondering if maybe he left because he realized he only did that when he was drunk. Sighing, I rub my eyes, and hear the bathroom door open, and it's him.
"Where are you going?" I mumble, and he turns toward me.
"I have to go sleep on the couch, before Rene wakes up.."
"Oh." I wrap myself back up in my blanket, watching him leave. He closes my door, and now I'm all alone again.
Eventually I fall back asleep, because when I wake up it's now almost 11. I can smell things being cooked downstairs, and I'm so hungry it feels like there is a hole in my stomach. First I wash my face, traces of eyeliner that was once around my eyes smear down the side of my cheek. After washing my face, nearly scrubbing it to get all the makeup off, i head downstairs to see my mom cooking scrambled eggs, Nick and Mikey reside sleeping on the couch.
"Good morning honey, I hope you like scrambled eggs. How was the party last night?" She hands me a cup of coffee, which I'm thankful for.
"It was really fun. I'm glad I went instead of staying home like my plan." I smile, thinking about me and Mikey. She listens to all the details about the party that I could include, happy that I went as-well. I quickly inhale the scrambled eggs, having a bad feeling in my mouth when I try to chew things, thank god I didn't try to eat chips. I tell my mom about the other get together I have planned today, and she's just as excited as I am that I made a new friend. After I finish eating, I go sit on the couch, hoping that something good is on tv, while we wait for everyone to wake up. Nick is the first, immediately going to take a shower after he wakes up off the couch, remembering he spent the night.

My mom gets done cooking, putting all the other eggs in the oven for people when they wake up, and leaving me and sleeping Mikey on the couch. I think about everything from last night, allowing every single detail to replay in my head over and over again. After another 10 minutes, Mikey starts to wake up, looking at me all surprised.
"Did you tell Rene?" His voice is sleepy, and he starts to sit up.
"No, he's still asleep." He lets out a sigh of relief, almost like asking me if the coast is clear. He stretches, before sitting up next to me, giving me some of the blanket.
"Mom made scrambled eggs, they're in the oven." I sit up, wrapping myself up in the blanket as he gets up to go get food. I sit waiting, for any explanation on why he had to leave my room at 7 in the morning, like we were gonna get caught together. Did he realize last night was an accident or a mistake? I feel my heart drop to my stomach as I think about everything, hoping and praying that he still likes me. I tell myself to ask him, but as soon as I finally build up the courage Rene and Emma walk in. Rene immediately goes to the food for him and Emma, giving Mikey a look before going to sit down at the kitchen table. Why did he do that? Is it really forbidden for me and Mikey to be together? I rethink about everything I overheard in the car last night. What can't he tell me? Why is Rene so scared he'll say something to me? And the stuff with Adam at the wedding in 2015, and Mikey moving in 2016? What does Evan have to do with all this?
"Roxie? So Mikey tells me that you're gonna go to a little get together at 5, is that the same one?" My mom sits next to me, and I realize I probably looked like a weirdo staring at the wall.
"Yeah, I met some of the hockey team so they wanted us to come over." I smile, and she returns one to me.
Scooting a little bit closer, like she's about to ask me something.
"Why did Mikey sleep in your room last night? I won't tell Rene, but are you guys dating now or something?" My mom whispers.
"No, I just didn't wanna sleep alone. Nightmares, that's all." She nods, proceeding to get up and go hang out in her room before she leaves for the day. Deciding I'm going to go upstairs to get ready too, I start off by taking a shower. After about 20 minutes in the warm water, I decide it's not enough and I make myself a bath, trying to clear out all the bad thoughts about Mikey in my head. But it feels like the more I try not to think about it, the more the new questions pop up in my head. What the fuck did he mean when he said he's not who I think he is? And Adam's story along with Anthony's, and now the conversation in the car.. what is going on?

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