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Hope arrived when the prophet walked down the hallway surrounded by his entourage of deliverance ministers, the man smiled when he looked up and saw Lanecea standing at Richard's side as the church's pastor welcomed him and his ministers.

"Richard's Wife, it is good to see you again," the shorter man smiled but it looked more like a grin as he remembered Lani.

"Welcome, Prophet. May I speak with you before you return to Africa?"

"Of course you may."

Richard raised an eyebrow but didn't mention it as he stepped forward to welcome the prophet and ministers before the special service would commence.

It seemed as though no time had passed since Lanecea had been Richard's assistant, the man not having to say a word as Lanecea knew what he needed or expected. The service had an incredible turnout with Lanecea helping welcome their guests and make sure the ministers were comfortable and had all their needs met, but with a snap of his fingers, Lani was back at Richard's side, earning her a smile although he was quickly distracted by those lining up to meet with him as well as the other ministers. A tap of his finger to the side of his leg had her pressing through the crowd to be closer as well where he was better able to see her. Lanecea was well-trained and hoped she was making him extremely proud of her as the visiting pastors, both male and female took their seats on high-backed chairs that had been arranged on the podium. They seemed a lot like thrones, Lanecea thought as the building filled to the rafters and yet again, Lanecea was the only Caucasian person present. 

"Don't leave my side," Richard instructed as the service began, but Lanecea, well aware that the sea of people hated her for the most part, had no intention of leaving his side. 

The service, as always, was long-winded but even more so than usual, but as soon as it came close to ending, the ministers began to retreat up the back stairs so they would be ready for when the congregation began to line up to meet with them upstairs. Usually, Lanecea helped organize the people waiting, but again, Richard pointed to his leg when Lani turned to her regular position going up the main set of stairs. Lani, however, was distracted moments later as a fight broke out on the narrow staircase as two female pastors began to scream at each other, pulling on each other's extensions. Richard and a few of the other male pastors managed to separate the women who were clawing at each other but as soon as they released them, the one just ahead, pushed the second woman down the stairs, the plump woman landing in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.

"I don't understand," Lanecea called up to Richard as she ran down the stairs to assist the minister who seemed more upset that her pride was bruised than by any injuries. "The service isn't over yet and they are pastors."

"God was moving during the service and Satan is angry. That's why his demons made the women attack each other. It doesn't matter if they are pastors or not - they left themselves open to possession."

Lanecea was freaked out as she returned to Richard's side as he tapped his leg once more. Even pastors weren't safe from demons and she had almost touched the woman who was possessed. Creepy!

Very few people returned home after the service as the prophet began praying for those who lined up starting at midnight. Lanecea assisted Richard as much as possible until 10 am when the prophet finally had time to speak with Lanecea. The man was exhausted from his trip and was fasting, but he smiled as he motioned to a chair beside him.

"What troubles you, Richard's Wife?"

"Will you please help me, Prophet? I lack wisdom and am fighting a battle that seems too great for me. I feel overwhelmed and struggle when I am abandoned and am fighting it on my own. I can't stop these blackouts but I've read all your books and know you have performed miracles. Will you please pray for my brain?"

The prophet was no longer smiling as Lanecea accidentally placed her hand on his thigh, the woman intense in her desire to be perfect and successful against the pedophiles of the world. It had been years since she had sat on her grandfather's lap while he negotiated with his allies, but at that moment, in her heart, she was every inch that princess pleading not only for her brothers but for herself and Orania and all the innocent children who never deserved to be prey. Passion made her tingle straight to her toes, her electricity flowing like currents as she begged the man who she assumed could be her ally and the go-between her and God.

Everything changed in a second. A horrific second while she was left alone with the prophet. He didn't see her heart. He didn't see her messed-up brain. He saw a seductrice. His response threw Lanecea for a curveball when he immediately stood, demanding his ministers take Lanecea from the office and into a side room where she was to pray against her spirit of seduction until she was delivered. They were given orders not to let her out of the room until the demon of seduction left her. 

The room was small and rarely used but it was filled with shouting and screaming Africans who were calling out their own demons. Lanecea was surrounded by four deliverance ministers from Africa who shouted at her, demanding she pray harder as apparently she refused to let go of her seductive spirit, but Lanecea was terrified and was crying as the walls closed in on her. Terrified was an understatement.

Lanecea had no idea how long she had been in that room, going from standing facing the corner as though she were a misbehaving child as she was grabbed and shoved while prayed over, then crouched in a corner weeping and once again unable to form a sentence as she shut down, blacking out over and over again until Richard carried her from the room. She had no idea who had summoned him. Nothing mattered as he carried her away from that dreadful room and sweating, screaming people praying against the demonic.

"I'm so sorry," Richard stroked her hair as he carried her away from the offices and down the back stairs. "I didn't know where you went. I would have been there for you sooner. You need to be still, Lani. He misunderstood your storm - your passion - for a seductive spirit. Even pastors and prophets can make mistakes, I suppose. I'm so sorry."

Lani just clung to his neck while he buckled her into his van, and remained silent, tears streaming down her cheeks as he drove her home and tucked her into bed. 

"You need to rest. You've gone through a lot. I've got to go - I'm taking them back to the airport. Learn to be still, Lani. God needs to finish testing you."

Richard sounded like he was beginning to lose patience with God who refused to show any mercy to Lani. It was almost ironic but Lanecea blacked out again before Richard stepped out of her bedroom.

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