1.4 But Daddy I love him

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Taylor scrambled off the desk , moving fastly to push down her skirt and Travis shirt, while he jumped up to move in front of her , not sure what his reaction would look like. "Oh just wait until Dad hears about little Miss Perfect fucking his little bodyguard." He smirked rushing out of the office before either of them managed to hold onto him. Fear spread visibly over Taylors face as she hurried after him "Austin no please, we can explain" but it was too late.

Her fearful gaze met Travis green orbs, throwing herself into his arms, scared. Her father was usually a calm man, but no one knew what he was capable of when it came to his only daughter. This was not at all how she had wanted to tell him. Not even a minute later her father barged into the office , finding the two lovers holding onto each other, scared.

They both knew, he always wore a gun with him, which now laid in his hand, pointing toward the tall football player. Taylors eyes were closed, scared, hidden in her boyfriends chest. Her arms held onto him like he was a life jacket and she was drowning. Travis took one last glance onto the girl that looked so small in his arms, the girl that he had grown to love so incredibly much before he moved, gently pushing himself in front of her. If Scott would shoot, it should only hit him. Even if it was the last time he saw her, it would be with the knowledge he had done everything to keep her safe.

Taylor opened her eyes shrieking at the scene in front of her. "Daddy no please!" she cried trying to throw her body in front of Travis, but he held her behind him "Stay away from him Taylor. He ruined you. He touched you. He dared to touch my little girl. " Scott growled , loading his gun pointing it high , now aiming at Travis head. "Please daddy , you don't understand, we wanted to tell you! Please Daddy I love him" she sobbed , feeling Travis squeeze her hands.

He loved her too and he needed her to know in case those were his last breaths. "please Mr. swift I love your daughter more than anything" he said, trying to keep his voice strong and steady. He had put himself in danger multiple times in order to protect Scott and his family and he usually trusted Travis but this was his little girl. No one was allowed to touch her.

"he's lying dad, all he wants his your job, he's just a little gold digger that got greedy from having a little money for the first time in his life. He's just using Taylor" Ausin jumped in, trying to look sincerely concerned but Travis could make out the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"That's not true sir, I swear. I don't want your job, I love what I do, I didn't know Taylor was your daughter when I met her and I fell in love with her long before I knew. I'll quit my job if that's what it takes but please. I have never loved a being so much and our love story can't be over yet. But please even if you decide to shoot me, don't hurt Taylo, don't punish her." Travis begged. He'd never begged in his life before , not even when it came to the end of his career as a player but this was Taylor. He couldn't life without her.

Scott was confused. He didn't know what to do. On one hand he wanted to believe the man he had known for years. The man that had kept him save for so long. But on the other this was his little girl. No one would be enough for her. And Austin was right, what if he only used Taylor, would drop her as soon as he had what he wanted, whatever that was.

Taylo could see the split in her father's eyes, the conflict and she knew she had to use that moment immediately. In a last attempt she let go of Travis hands and stepped in front of him, tears streaming over her cheeks at this point. "I'm having his baby!"

Time seemed to stop, all eyes on her as she slid one hand onto her still flat stomach. Scott lowered his gun immediately unloading it before rushing to her, while she exchanged a glance with Travis. "is it true Taylor, you're pregnant?" he ask reaching out for her while she nodded clutching her stomach even more. "I'm gonna be a grandfather" he whispered, a small smile forming on his lips.

Austin huffed outraged "And now your all soft suddenly? He knocked up Taylor and now what, he is a saint? He still fucked your daughter, just because he couldn't even use a fucking condom he now gets a medal?? He ruined her!" he raged ,stomping angrily like a toddler.

Scott turned to him , now a dangerous fire in his eyes "you and I are gonna have a little talk , now." His hand found the gun again, as Austin scurried out, followed by Scott.

Travis wrapped his arms around Taylor, both of them now crying holding each other for comfort. "is it true?" he whispered quietly reaching down caressing her stomach. A small smile formed on his girlfriends lips. "not yet but yk... we should probably get started on that"

A laugh escaped his lips before they met hers again

 "God I love you." 

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