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Richard wasn't pleased when Lanecea informed him that she was no longer living in the homeless shelter but with her sister and the children, but he shouldn't worry as she didn't see her mother who lived in the lower half of the house now. He was not only displeased, he was angry with Lanecea. 

"If you don't return to Toronto by tonight, I'll never speak with you again - that's a promise."

Lanecea was crushed. Devastated. How could her king go without ever speaking with her again? Lani, of course, cried, but not because she was leaving her niece and nephew once more, but at the thought Richard could turn his back on her so easily. It was soul-crushing. 

"I'll come visit - I promise," Lanecea embraced the children at the Go Train station while Addy pleaded with her sister to see reason.

"You don't need to obey him, Lani. I need you - the kids need you!"

"I'll visit - I promise. I just can't live with you. What will I do if my king follows through on his threat and turns his back on me forever?"

Addy didn't respond for a long time as she watched the teary goodbye.

"I don't like him."

Lanecea looked up at her sister over the children's heads but remained silent. Addy wouldn't understand. 

Lani was back at the women's shelter but this time, she managed to get into the one run by the YWCA and it was very different from the Salvation Army run one. The staff had always liked Lanecea, but at this new one, they were invested in her, or at least that is how she felt when she was assigned a mental health worker and they set her up a few weeks later in her own apartment close to her church, stating that she needed her support system but just a little help and guidance. 

The mental health worker didn't seem all that much older than Lanecea and she really cared, even when she asked a lot of questions. Lanecea told her that she and her sisters had gotten out of the house, but never mentioned her brothers who still lived at home. Lani wasn't a fool and didn't trust. Now that she had her own apartment at long last, everything changed. Lani was determined to get custody and nothing would stand in her way now. Gavin, although still staying with his parents, seemed to have the same idea when he contacted Lanecea.

"I know about Addy's ongoing affairs and need your help. My parents and I want to get sole custody of the kids. They need stability and love which Addy isn't giving them every time you babysit so she can spend time with her boyfriends. If you help me, I'll fight with you to get custody of the boys as well. Come on Lani, you know it's the right thing to do. We can start fresh - we'll get a place together and have all the children. You know they adore you and will be much happier."

Lani knew she couldn't help Gavin or even entertain his dream of them living happily ever after together with the brood of kids, but Lani did stop to think about it for a long moment. Addy left the children every chance she got to be with other men and Gavin's parents were better off financially.

"I can't do it, Gavin. I can't hurt my sister. I'll try to talk with her - help her become a priestess, but will you forgive her and return to her and the children? I know it will be hard on you, but the children need you - all the children do. You're their hero."

"Lani, I need you. The children need you. Addy won't be hurt - she can always visit when she's not busy spreading her legs. You know what really gets to me? How we couldn't be happy together all those years and we never crossed a line. I would have married you in a heartbeat - I still want to. She can do whatever the hell she wants, but we could have been married by now. That's what really gets to me. C'mon Lani, support me in this."

"I can't Gavin. I'm really sorry. I love you a lot, you know that, but you're not my king and I can't hurt my sister."

It was even harder on Lanecea's heart when Gavin's mother met with her, pleading with Lani to side with them. 

"You could have told me what you went through with your parents, Sweetheart. Why didn't you ever tell me? We can change things for your brothers. My husband and I will stand with you in this fight, Lani. You're not alone - you never have been. Honestly, you just need to ask for help more often because we can't help if we don't know what's going on."

"I don't trust easily and this is my fight - but thank you for the offer. I love you so much, but I can't betray my sister. I can't help you get custody."

"Did you know that Addy insists all pictures of Gavin are removed when they visit and he is not allowed near the children? They will forget their father."

"You're killing my heart," Lanecea whispered as her tears flowed, "I don't know what to do. I will feel horrible if I betray my sister but they need their daddy and my brothers need to be rescued. My heart is so torn..."

It was Gavin's father, however, who stepped in, being the leader Lanecea needed as her heart swirled in her emotional tornado.

"You only need to write a letter, Lani and we will give it to our lawyer. You won't need to appear in court and I'm certain it can be anonymous. Gavin is in love with you, you know that but don't feel you are doing this because he wants to move on with his life and finally have the marriage he needs and deserves. That's too much pressure on you. Take a deep breath and just write the letter. Once the children are safe, everything else will fall into place. They are the priority."

Gavin's father, as a policeman and an older man, obviously knew what was best, Lanecea supposed, nodding as she swiped at her tears.

"Yes, Sir."

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