A champion no more

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*The room falls silent as Videl's voice echoes through the gym, her anguish and anger directed at her father, Mr. Satan. Everyone's eyes turn to him, their expressions a mix of disbelief, disappointment, and anger.*

Mr. Satan: *gulping nervously, sweat forming on his brow* "Videl, I... I didn't mean to..."

Videl: *tears streaming down her face, voice trembling with rage* "Didn't mean to what, Dad? Lie to the whole world? Make everyone believe you were the one who defeated Cell? Take credit for something Gohan and his father sacrificed everything for? Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?"

Mr. Satan: *stammering* "I... I just wanted to protect you... to protect our family..."

Gohan: *stepping forward, his voice trembling with suppressed anger* "Protect your family? Do you even hear yourself? My dad DIED to save this world, to save you and everyone else here. And you took that sacrifice and turned it into some cheap story to make yourself look good!"

Mr. Satan: *trying to backpedal* "I... I just thought it would be easier for everyone to believe..."

Gohan: *his voice rising, filled with righteous fury* "Easier? For who? You? You turned my father's sacrifice into a lie, a joke! Do you have any idea what that feels like? To know that the world honors a fraud while the real heroes are forgotten?"

James: "Yeah, man! You let everyone believe in a lie! You made us think you were the hero when it was Gohan all along!"

Sam: "How could you live with yourself, knowing the truth and still lying to everyone?"

Mr. Satan: *looking around at the angry faces, trying to find words* "I... I didn't mean for it to go this far..."

Videl: *voice breaking, filled with pain and betrayal* "Dad, you weren't just lying to the world. You were lying to me. You let me believe in a hero that didn't exist. You let me base my entire life on a lie."

Gohan: *stepping closer, eyes blazing with anger* "You had a chance to do the right thing, Mr. Satan. You could have told the truth at any time. But you chose to let the lie grow, to let people honor you while my father... while my father was forgotten."

Mr. Satan: *tears welling up, voice shaking* "I'm sorry... I never meant to hurt anyone..."

Gohan: *voice hard and unforgiving* "Sorry isn't good enough. You need to fix this. You need to tell the world the truth. And you need to live with the shame of what you've done."

Mr. Satan: *nodding slowly, broken* "You're right. I... I'll tell everyone the truth. I'll make it right, I swear."

Gohan: *turning to Videl, softening slightly* "Let's go, Videl. We don't need to be here for this."

Videl: *nodding, tears still in her eyes* "Yeah, let's go."

*As they leave the gym, the students continue to glare at Mr. Satan, their respect for him completely shattered. The weight of his actions finally settles on him as he realizes the full extent of his betrayal.*

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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