Life goes back to normal

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Our story begins early may the students of orange Star high had just enjoyed a lunch in the courtyard of the back of the school and now they are all heading back inside for a very special gym class

*At the orange star high school*

Gohan:*sighs as he thinks to himself* man I don't think I have ever been this board in a long time

*Gohan get up and walk around and clear his head when he runs into his girlfriend videl*

Gohan: Hey Videl.

Videl:Hey Gohan umm listen I just wanted to thank you for the save back at the tournament. If it wasn't for you I would be Dead………..

Gohan: no problem Videl I got your back, but next time you have to be more careful you don't have as much training as I do if anything were to happen to you I'm not sure what I would do.


Gohan: hey umm Are you ok Videl?

Videl: yeah I'm fine it's just I've never seen you so angry before I mean just a few days ago we were having fun and hanging out and then as soon as the tournament started and I was nearly….. well ya know

Gohan: Videl you don't have to say anymore I get it I really do I don't know what came over me I Guess seeing you like that just brought back some really painful memories for me.

Videl:*concerned* Wait, what do you mean by bringing back painful memories Gohan?

Gohan: huh Oh nothing let's get  to class we don't want to be late

Videl: ummm okay I guess so let's go

*They get to class*

Mr. Toriyama: Oh good You're both here take a seat we're about to start, ok class today we're going to be talking about The cell games

Gohan:*in his head* oh no this is just what I need my normal life is over!.

Mr toriyama: Okay class if you'll follow me to the gymnasium we are going to watch…. The cell games the original footage from the cell games Now everyone will please head to the gym we will get started with the video.

Sharpener:oh man this should better be worth getting out of normal gym class for whatever reason.

Ersa:I'm sure everything will be explained once we get there we just have to be patient who knows it could be something really fun if this is taking over the normal gym class we were supposed to have today.

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