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Putting this out here to avoid comment inflation on newer chapters about "When are you going to publish a new chapter?" "Where is new chapter?" and such.

I pretty much create and publish new chapters whenever I feel like it. I just write the chapters as is, no drafts just needed, freestyling and improving all in one sitting. If that ain't possible, I'll take a break and come back to it whenever I feel like it.

I'll try to be accurate in terms of descriptions, designs, layout, timeline and such. World building is a whole other hurdle I'm not experienced with. Making up things and using it in the story is a par of the course

My writing style will improve and may change over time, plush this is my first ever fic made solely by myself so that is something!

The knight in this story will be the same as the knight of my own for convenience's sake

And...that's all for now I guess, hope y'all are enjoying this fic!

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