Chapter 7: All the same

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The day dawned with an ominous stillness, the sky a pallid gray as if the world itself held its breath. Y/N, Jeok-Yeon, Makoto, Margaret, Jolene, Niall, and April knew what lay ahead. Today was the day to confront the Queen of Witches, the architect of their suffering. The gravity of their mission weighed heavily on them, but they were resolute. They would defeat her, even if it cost them their lives.

The school day dragged on interminably, the hours creeping by as they steeled themselves for the coming battle. When the final bell rang, they gathered in the courtyard, their faces set with grim determination. Even the bustling sounds of their peers couldn't penetrate the solemn bubble that surrounded them.

"Tonight, it ends," Y/N said, her voice steady but tinged with the underlying fear they all shared.

"We'll fight together," Jeok-Yeon added, gripping her sword tightly. "No matter what."

Makoto nodded, electricity crackling at her fingertips. "For everyone we've lost."

With a shared nod, they transformed into their magical girl forms, their energies blending together in a radiant display of light and power.

"Moon Prism Power, Make Up!"
"Yeon Spirit, Transform!"
"Jupiter Power, Make Up!"
"Arsenal of Ares!"
"Speed of Light!"
"Lady Luck, Guide Me!"
"Tempest Fury!"

The transformation filled them with a renewed sense of purpose as they made their way to the ancient, crumbling castle on the outskirts of the city. The structure loomed like a dark omen against the sky, its presence foreboding and malevolent.

As they approached the castle gates, an army of grotesque monsters emerged from the shadows, their forms twisted and horrific. The girls didn't hesitate, launching into battle with all the fury and strength they possessed.

Margaret's guns blazed, cutting down waves of enemies with deadly precision. Jolene moved like a blur, her speed creating afterimages as she struck from all angles. Niall's luck turned the tide of battle in their favor, while April summoned a tempest that ravaged their foes. Jeok-Yeon's blade danced through the air, leaving fiery trails, and Makoto's lightning-infused punches sent enemies flying.

Blood splattered across the ground, mixing with the dust and debris of the battlefield. The girls fought with everything they had, their bodies battered and bruised but their spirits unyielding. Finally, they reached the gates of the throne room, where the true challenge awaited.

They entered the grand hall, its vast expanse echoing with an eerie silence. At the far end, seated upon a dark throne, was the Queen of Witches. Her eyes gleamed with a malevolent light, and a sinister smile curled her lips.

"You've come at last," she purred, her voice dripping with malice. "Foolish girls, do you really think you can defeat me?"

"We don't think," Y/N replied, her voice strong and unwavering. "We know."

The Queen's laughter echoed through the hall, a chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Then let's see what you're capable of."

The battle began with a thunderous clash. The Queen unleashed waves of dark energy, her attacks ferocious and relentless. The girls fought back with all their might, their coordinated strikes illuminating the dark hall with bursts of light.

"Moonlight Purge!" Y/N shouted, sending a beam of pure energy at the Queen.

"Spirit Flame Strike!" Jeok-Yeon cried, her blade ablaze with fiery power.

"Supreme Thunder Dragon!" Makoto roared, her lightning attack crackling with deadly force.

Margaret's guns fired in rapid succession, Jolene's speed created a vortex of movement, Niall's luck shielded them from the worst of the Queen's attacks, and April's tempestuous winds howled through the throne room.

But the Queen was powerful, her dark magic formidable. Blood flowed freely as the girls took hit after hit, their bodies bearing the brunt of the Queen's wrath. They fought on, their determination unwavering even as the hall became a battlefield of carnage and destruction.

The Queen's laughter grew louder as she watched them struggle. "You're strong, but it's not enough."

With a wave of her hand, she summoned a massive wave of dark energy that crashed over them like a tidal wave. The girls screamed as they were thrown back, their bodies slamming against the stone walls. Pain seared through them, but they pushed through it, their resolve unbroken.

"We can't give up," Y/N gasped, her vision blurring. "We have to keep fighting."

The others nodded, their breaths ragged but their spirits fierce.

The battle raged on, each side refusing to yield. The Queen's attacks grew more savage, her dark energy tearing through their defenses. Blood spattered the floor, and the air was thick with the scent of iron. The girls fought with every ounce of strength they had, their bodies pushed to their limits.

Jotaro, racing through the city to reach them, felt a cold dread settle in his heart. He had seen this before—her death, their deaths. But he couldn't let it happen again. He pushed his Stand, Star Platinum, to its limits, his body straining with the effort of moving faster than he ever had before.

But he was too late.

With a final, devastating blast, the Queen unleashed a torrent of dark energy that engulfed the girls. Y/N screamed as the energy hit her, her body wracked with pain. One by one, the others fell around her, their bodies broken and bloodied.

"No!" Jotaro screamed, bursting into the throne room just as the Queen's attack landed. His heart shattered as he saw Y/N and the others fall, their bodies limp and lifeless.

The Queen laughed, a sound filled with dark triumph. "You were too late, Jotaro Kujo. Your precious Y/N and her friends are gone."

Rage and grief consumed Jotaro as he unleashed his Stand, Star Platinum. Time stopped as he moved to Y/N's side, cradling her broken body. Tears streamed down his face as he whispered, "I'm sorry. I couldn't save you."

Time resumed, and Jotaro turned his fury on the Queen. "I will end you!" he roared, his Stand unleashing a barrage of punches that shattered the air.

The battle between Jotaro and the Queen was fierce, the throne room shaking with the force of their clash. Blood splattered the walls as Jotaro's attacks tore into the Queen, his rage fueling his strength. But even as Jotaro fought with all his might, he knew the truth—Y/N and her friends were gone, and nothing could bring them back.

With a final, devastating punch, Jotaro defeated the Queen, her body disintegrating into a cloud of dark energy. But the victory felt hollow, the cost too great.

He sank to his knees beside Y/N, his heart breaking. The others lay around them, their bodies battered and broken, their faces peaceful in death. The silence of the throne room was deafening, the air heavy with the weight of their sacrifice.

As the dust settled, Jotaro cradled Y/N in his arms, his tears falling onto her lifeless face. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I love you."

The castle fell silent, the battle over but the pain lingering. Jotaro knew that he would never stop trying to save her, no matter how many timelines he had to traverse. The battle was over, but the war within him had just begun.

And so, with a heavy heart and a soul weighed down by grief, Jotaro vowed to honor their sacrifice. He would continue to fight for the light they believed in, even as he searched for a way to bring them back. The pain of their loss would never truly fade, a shadow over his heart as he faced the future.

♱Time Loop✭ Yandere Jotaro Kujo Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz