Third Jewel

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

: = Dialogue

Bey : Vulcan Cetus R145DS

Now let the story begin.

Konzern's Twin Jewels.

That's the nickname given to the pair of Grand Cetus beys used by Wales and Sophie of Team Excalibur.

However, there is a third blader who uses a beyblade based on the Cetus constellation, that being a young man named [Y/N] [L/N], childhood friend of Team Excalibur who happens to also be Sophie's boyfriend.

Currently, [Y/N] is engaged in a series of battles with Excalibur's sub member Klaus, which has been going on all afternoon.

[Y/N] : Go hard Cetus! I will not lose to you this time Klaus!

Klaus : You've got spirit my friend, but it's take more than that to beat me! Capricorn!

Both beys strike each other repeatedly and with serious power as Sophie and Wales watch intently.

Wales : How long do you think this will go on Sophie? [Y/N] has been defeated by Klaus' Grand Capricorn several times today, but he kepts insisting on battling him again. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting a little worried.

Sophie : Yes, I feel the same way Wales. [Y/N] isn't normally like this, if something's going on, I wish he'd talk to me.

The blue haired girl says while looking at her boyfriend with a concerned expression as Cetus and Capricorn continue to clash.

[Y/N] : This is it Cetus, our moment to show what we've got! Special move! Boiling Wave!

Vulcan Cetus glows brightly as it releases a scorching blast of air that takes on the visage of a tidal wave while an orange spirit of a sperm whale rides it straight towards Capricorn.

Klaus : That's your special move huh? Impressive. Let's see how it does against this! Special move! Steel Darkness!

A red goat spirit emerges from Klaus' bey and charges at Cetus, breaking through the wave and sending it flying high up into the air.

[Y/N] : No! The special move I worked so hard to master...was broken so easily! W-where's Cetus?

Just then, his bey comes crashing back down to the ground, having stopped spinning.

[Y/N] : I....I lost again....

He falls to his knees and punches the ground in frustration as Klaus recalls his bey.

Klaus : Don't be so down [Y/N], you have truly improved since our first battle. Keep training hard, and you'll eventually win again me my friend.

[Y/N] : Klaus, please battle me just once more.

Klaus : Sorry [Y/N], but I've had enough for today. If you really want a rematch, we can have it some other time.

He walks away as [Y/N] picks Cetus up and clutches the bey tightly.

[Y/N] : It's not enough. I've trained rigorously, and even created my own special move, but despite that, it still wasn't enough. Maybe....I will never be as strong as them.

Getting up, he is approached by Wales and Sophie.

Wales : Alright, what's up with you [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : What do you mean Wales?

Sophie : [Y/N], you've been pushing yourself incredibly hard lately. Wales and I are getting worried about you. Please, talk to me.

She pleads as her boyfriend shakes his head.

[Y/N] : I'm fine Sophie. All I'm doing is trying to become a strong you two are.

Sophie : Like us?

Wales : What are you talking about?

[Y/N] : All three of us use a Cetus bey, but I am obviously the weakest one. You both are amazing bladers, good enough to represent the European Union in the World Championships, whereas I wasn't even strong enough to make it past the qualifying battles. We've all known each other since childhood, but no matter how much I try to improve my skills, I will never be as strong as you guys. I'm not jealous or anything like that, I just...want to become a blader worthy of the EU like both of you are.

He says while looking down at the ground as Sophie and Wales stare at him in sympathy.

Wales/Sophie : [Y/N]....

[Y/N] : It's ok. Despite my numerous losses, I refuse to give up! I'll keep training! I'll continue battling with everything I got until one day....I become a blader you both can be proud of.

Wales : That's nice and all, but you're forgetting one little thing [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Oh yeah? And what would that be Wales?

Wales : You're already an amazing blader, you just haven't realized it.

[Y/N] : H-huh?!

Sophie : Wales is right. Darling, you don't need to compare yourself to us, because you are strong in your own right. It's true that you didn't make it on the EU team with us, but if I remember correctly, you came extremely close, which is something not many bladers can say.

Wales : Yeah, you may have lost to me in the selection tournament, but the battle was intense, and could have gone either way. You're an awesome blader [Y/N]!

Sophie : As to be expected from the third jewel.

[Y/N] : Third jewel?

Sophie : Yes, because the three of us make up the three jewels of the EU.

Wales : Three users of beys representing the constellation Cetus, and together...

Wales/Sophie : Hardly anything can stand up to our powerful waves!

The duo say with conviction as [Y/N] can't help but feel incredibly touched.

[Y/N] : You guys...thank you.

Wale : No problem [Y/N], you're my best friend.

Sophie : And you can always talk to us about anything, especially me. I love you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : I love you too Sophie.

He kisses his girlfriend before pulling her and Wales into a group hug before the three Cetus users walk off to hang out together.

Grand Jewel of the EU : Sophie x Male Reader One Shots and ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now