You're all the music I need ❤

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Ashley Graham x Y/N

(Second person)

You had come from a poor background. It was difficult yes, but yet you still persevered. No matter what you made sure not to give up, which actually ended up turning out great in the end. You ended up becoming a successful political scientist along side President Graham. With your job your had met the love of your life, Ashley Graham.

Oh how she meant the world to you, she loved you and you loved her. You two would spoil each other with gifts all the time! Her especially though. She made sure you got the best gifts in the world. You always tried your best to give back, but sometimes it would take long and you would get frustrated, but she didn't seem to mind. Buying all these gifts was something you could only do occasionally.

Usually your salary would be gone after putting some into saving while also trying to pay off debts. It meant that you struggled financially a lot. Ashley offered to pay off your student loans and apartment, but you were too stubborn. Plus you would feel obligated to pay back all the money. It was hard of course, but you managed.

Your dating anniversary was coming up soon, you wanted everything to be special. She would eye this beautiful bracelet in a jewelry story's window. It had beautiful rubies encrusted in the rim of the bracelet. It shone brightly against the window, "You know a ruby is my birth stone!" She explained, "Really? That's pretty cool." That was all you needed to hear, you were going to get her that bracelet, no matter what.

You had finally saved up enough money for this bracelet, it was only a small deposit but you had a plan to pay the rest of it off. As you turn to the jewelry store, you notice something, the bracelet is missing. Oh no. You walk inside and ask the clerk if he knew what happened to it, all he told you was that he just sold it to a man that came in not to long ago, "Where is he?" You ask frantically, "He went towards the coffee shop." He replied slightly confused, "Thanks!" You say running out the store. You search everywhere for this man, till you finally see him by the coffee shop, he had a gold tooth and multiple piercings in his ears. His hair was curly and and tied into a ponytai, his neck had a tattoo of a snake on it. You ran up to him, "Excuse me! Hi, I'm sorry to bother, but this is a very weird request." He raises an eyebrow, "I want to buy that bracelet for you." You say, he smirks, "This one he?" He said holding it up, he had a thick Brooklyn accent, "Tsk tsk, I'm sorry hun, but it'll cost ya." You sweat, "Anything, please." You say desperately, "How about that necklace around your neck there." He says pointing to it, you clutch it.

This necklace was the first thing you ever bought with your own money, something you didn't have to struggle to buy, it was your first accomplishment. You sigh, "Come on man, why can't I just pay you in cash?" You say frustrated, "Well, I would, but I like that necklace, it's beautiful." It truly was. It was an obsidian necklace with a carving of the moon on it, "This is my final offer doll, otherwise you ain't getting the bracelet." He said holding the bracelet out for you, "What's your name before I give this to you?" You ask, "Jasper Carlton." He said with a smirk, you hold in tears as you unclip your necklace and drop it in his hand. He laughs, "Pleasure doing business with ya." He said shaking your hand.

Your anniversary had finally rolled around, you were a little sad. Every time you looked at that bracelet, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain for what you lost getting it for her. You missed that necklace, it wasn't even an ordinary one too, it was something that made you proud of yourself, that you could in fact finally buy what you wanted without a financial consequence like before. But now it's gone. You swipe away a tear as you hear Ashley approach from the stairs.
She hopped onto the last step, "Happy Anniversary Y/N!" She shouted, you smile, "Happy anniversary my love." She gave you a big kiss on the cheek. You smile, feeling a little better due to the kiss, "So what did you get me!?" She asked, you laugh and pull out the bracelet box, "Oh Y/N!" She started, "You got me the bracelet!?" She said holding it up to her chest, "I did my love, I saw how much you liked it and I knew I had to get it for you!" You add, she tackles you in a hug, "Oh Y/N! I love you so much!" She says sobbing into your chest, "Hey! I love you too okay!?" You laugh.

She finally calmed down and decided to give you your present, "So, I know how much you love to match, so I decided to get us something to match together!" She said with a big smile as she handed you a jewelry box,"Oh yeah? What is it?" You ask, "Well open it!" She shouted. Your eyes couldn't believe it, it was a sun and moon necklace, "I didn't know which one you wanted, so I'll let you pick first." You picked up the moon necklace and held it tight, but then you started to sob. You sobbed not happy tears, but tears of pain and sadness. Ashley knew all too well what those tears were, "Y/N?! Y/N what's wrong?! Do you not like it!?" She asked panicking, "No! I love it!" You say in between sobs, "Then why are you crying?" She asked holding you close. You sniff, "I'm sorry Ash, I wasn't going to tell you but I just feel so upset." You started, "I traded my obsidian necklace for that bracelet! I traded it to a man named Jasper Carlton! And I'll never see it again!" You sob again.

Ashley couldn't believe what she was hearing, she felt her heart break into two, "You what?!" She got up, "You traded the one thing that you treasured most!? All to get me a bracelet?!" The blonde shouts, "Yeah." You wipe a tear, "I'm really sorry Ash, it's just... I saw how much you liked that bracelet and I really wanted to get it for you." You try and rub away the tears, "Oh Y/N!" She was crying with you now. She was going to make this right, one way or another.

A week went by and Ashley did nothing but search for this man. She made sure to go to the Agent database to find him too. When he eventually found him, she was overjoyed. She was able to locate him, but she actually ended up finding him at the same place you did. She didn't want her body gaurds to come with her, she wanted to get that necklace by herself, "Hey! Are you Jasper Carlton!?" She shouted. The man stopped drinking his coffee and looked up, he almost spat it out, "Holy shit! You're the president's daughter."

"That I am asshole, my partner traded you a necklace for a bracelet. I want it back." She demanded crossing her arms, he smirked, "Oh wait, you mean this one?" He said pulling out the same obsidian moon bracelet. Her eyes sparkled, "Who would have thunk it huh? That the girl who traded me this, was the lover of the president's daughter! I would have asked her for twice." He said menacingly, Ashley grew tired and slammed her hands on the table, "Listen here asshole. I didn't spend weeks tryna track you down for a chit chat session. I'm here take back what doesn't belong to you." She said sternly, "No offense Ms. President, but uh, what's in it for me." Ashley grabbed him by the collar and readed her fist, "If you give me that necklace I promise I won't beat tour ass in front of these people! I know you're a wanted criminal Jasper." She explained coldly, Jasper's eyes widened, "Okay okay! Uncle! I'll give you the bracelet! Just please don't hurt me or turn me in!" He shouted back. Ashley sighed and dropped him, he shakily grabbed the necklace and gave it to her, "Pleasure doing business with you Jasper." She said with a smile before walking away. The man laughed, "Man she's got fire."

Later that day you decided to cook for Ashley as a way to hide your sadness, you missed your necklace a lot. You had made a tomatoe based pasta with a strawberry shortcake as desert. You hear the door opening, "Evening my love!" Ashley yelled enthusiastically, "Evening Ash." You say with a smile. She hung herself on your shoulder, "I have a gift for you!" She said giving you a kiss on the cheek, "Oh yeah? What is it?" She carefully wrapped the necklace around your neck and clipped it into place. You gasp as you hold it in your hands, "Ash..." you start, but you were at a loss for words, "I got it back for you! I knew how much you loved it. And for me?" She hugged your back, "It suits you." You immediately turn around and hug her tightly, "Thank you! Thank you!" You yell, your tears spilling out your eyes. She smiled and kissed your head multiple times, "Oh my love! I love you so much." She said holding you. You didn't care why or how she got this necklace back, but you knew damm well you were the luckiest person in the world to have her in your life.

*Hey guys! Sorry this book has been lacking. Still tryna get the mortal kombat requests done too! And I have a exams soon too so I need to study too. I saw this one Mickey mouse short on my Insta reels the other day, and it was about Mickey and Minnie trading their values to get each other gifts. Hence the name of the chapter. And I took some inspiration from a my little pony episode. Hope you all like it!*

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