The Clingy Teenager Phase 🦋

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Claire Redfield and Sherry Birkin

(Third person)

It had been 4 years since the incident in Raccoon City. Since then it had just been Claire and Sherry. Leon had joined the government but still made to time to check in on his friend and Sherry. Other than that the two lived a relatively normal life, they had only each other in the end.

Claire's friends and professors at college were both thrilled and terrified of Claire's decision to raise Sherry. But one thing Claire always told them, was how nobody who would ever adopt Sherry would ever understand her the way Claire does. Even Chris was supportive of her decision once they finally got in touch with each other again. The two women lived in Claire's apartment, and Claire made sure Sherry got a proper education, Chris covered that thankfully. The two in a way were mother and daughter.

One day Claire was on her laptop, trying to complete one of her assignments. Sherry was now 16 years old around this time. The younger blonde stood behind the couch and peered over Claire, "Hey!" Sherry yelled excitedly, scaring the redhead, "Hey Sherry! You scared me." She replied adjusting her glasses. Sherry rested her chin on Claire's head, "Whatcha doing?" She asked, dragging out her words. The redhead patted Sherry's arm, "Just doing an assignment, don't mind me. What's up?"

"Can I sit by you? I'm bored." The teen says, "Sure baby, but I'm still doing my work so keep that in mind." Sherry pressed a kiss to the crown of Claire's head before immediately jumping on the couch next to Claire. Sherry nuzzled herself onto Claire's side and peered at the assignment, "You okay baby? You're pretty close to me, not that I mind of course." Sherry nuzzled further, "I'm fine, just bored." The blond teen said squeezing Claire's arm a small bit, "Okay, just checking."

A few minutes went passed, all the young girl was doing was staring at Claire typing on her laptop. She seemed to be nearly done though, "Last night I dreamt you were a bottle of ketchup." She started, Claire raised an eyebrow, "Which is weird, cause you're normally the mayonnaise in my dreams." Claire chuckled, "What does that mean?"

"I don't know, for some reason you're normally the mayonnaise." Sherry explained. Claire had finally finished her assignment and submitted to her professor, leaving the two on the couch, "Sherry Imma go grab a snack, would you like one?" Claire asked, Sherry shook her head, "Okay hun." It took some effort, but Claire managed to pry Sherry off her arm and walk to the kitchen. Once the girl was there, she heard the sound of little feet behind her, Sherry had followed her into the kitchen, "I thought you didn't want anything?"

"I didn't. I just wanted to see you." Sherry said attaching herself to Claire's hip, the redhead was finding this behavior rather strange she will admit, but she didn't mind. She dragged Sherry back to the couch with a popsicle in hand. Claire had finished her popsicle, and decided to put on a show for the two to watch. Sherry was still nuzzled into Claire's side, "Hun, can I ask that you move up a bit? This couch isn't exactly that big." The redhead asked giggling, Sherry moved aside, but still made sure she was still holding Claire.

Hours passed and it was now bed time. The two women washed up the dinner plates and settled into their pajamas. Claire guided Sherry to her room and tucked her into bed, the girl got a kiss on the forehead and pat on the head, "Night night baby, sleep well." Claire said turning off the light, Sherry snuggled against her stuffed animal and drifted off to sleep.

Claire maneuvered herself in her bed, trying to find the best possible position to sleep. She finally had the position and tried to drift of to sleep... until a huge weight was felt on her bed. The redhead opened her eyes, jumping at the sight. But her nerves calmed when she realized who it was... Sherry. Sherry was clutching her stuffed animal and sleeping far from Claire. The redhead smiled and scootched closer to the blonde teen, she lovingly wrapped her arms around her and cradled her against her chest. Sherry nuzzled herself further into Claire and clutched her stuffed animal tighter. Claire smiled and looked at Sherry with a motherly gaze, "Goodnight baby." She whispered drifting off to sleep. The clingy teenager phase is something Claire loves more than anything.

*Hey everyone! Sorry I left this book for a while. It's mostly because I didn't have any ideas and I have a lot of requests for my Mortal Kombat book. But I will try to update this one! I love Claire and Sherry so much and I'm really upset they never meet up again and I love domestic tropes involving them. Plus I love their Mother daughter relationship so much. And this is lowkey how I behave with my mom lol*

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