Cuddles [only short]

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I went to go annoy Parker to see he's... asleep 😈 I can do whatever I want to wake him up! It's his birthday soon though... I can't be mean or he'll like... go insane and stab me or something? Probs not but I still don't want to know if it's true.

I walk over to the couch, gently shaking him up... I can't though, so I do the most straight heterosexual thing ever! I crawl under the covers and rest myself in the corner with him facing me, anyway he's cute when he sleeps! WHAT??? WHO SAID THAT!!😡 (totally not me)

I cuddle into and him he's warm, eventually he wakes up slowly though. "Bro why you sleeping with me?" His eyes widened "Chester don't you dare think that's what it means. I mean- well- umm I mean why are you cuddling me?" He knows me huh? I giggle and I know he knows why! "Anyway why? You usually like do some stupid way of walking me up!" "Well it's your birthday soon!" I smile stupidly at the boy I'm ALMOST attracted to [shhh that's our secret 🤫] "ohhh so like a birthday gift?" I nod cuddling up even more to him "oh... okay" he wraps his arms around me and stuffs me into the blankets, "good night then?" "Good night Ches" he grins.


Hey buds!

Only 235 words

I've had this one in my mind too long😭

Parkster oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora