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Parker has always loved everything about Chester and has never not adored Chester and he's in his room laying on his bed and romanticising about him and Chester and perhaps reading a few fanfics of the two falling in love with each other when his door creaks open slightly "Parker? Are you awake?" The younger boy whispered out to Parker "hmm?"  "Um do you hate me?" This shocked Parker "dude no! Why would you say that!?" He raised his voice in astonishment this scared the boy "oh it's just y-your... I'll just show you..." he walked over passing Parker his phone and letting him read the texts he just got.

Parker's girlfriend 


You're a waste of space and oxygen 

I hope you die and so does Parker. I hope you overdose 

Parker's mine not yours. Your sickening to look at, your disgusting face is nauseating 🤮

Nobody likes you not even Parker 

Your 'dearest best friend' shut up. Your gay I know it. And you want my boyfriend! I'll tell him.

Please stop Sandra 

Parker's eyes widened at the sight of his girlfriend bullying his bestest friend "dude she's lying" he reassured Chester "are you sure?" He whispered teary eyed "yes! your my bestest best friend in the whole wide world!" He yapped remembering when he first met Chester "you're my bestest best friend in the whole wide world!" He confessed to the blonde boy "aww thanks your my best friend too!" He squealed back, "thanks Parker" he smiled sadly giving Parker a hug, his favourite thing to do when he was sad was to get comforted by his brunette best friend eventually falling asleep and cuddling the whole night.

The next morning the two wake up to loud knocks against their front door Parker opening it to see... the royal guards...? "Huh? Yes?" He spoke groggily "we're here for Chester? Do you know him?" "Oh um Chester? CHESTER COME DOWN HERE!" He screamed for Chester as he walks down the stairs, "IM COMING JEEZ!" he screamed angrily at Parker "...oh" he realised who was at our door. "Hey..." he whispered to them "greetings prince Chester" they spoke "don't call me that. I do not wish to come back." He growled at the two guards "Queens orders" they replied grabbing Chester's hand "only if he comes with." He voiced sternly.

Parker pov: "only if he comes with" Chester growled at the guards "yes your majesty" they comply as I stand there astounded, flabbergasted dare I say GOBSMACKED. Why did they find Chester we're in America not Britain what? I'm so confused Chester leads me out with him closing the door behind us and practically dragging me to the car taking us to the airport.

Time skip ⏭ 

Britain wow! This is scary yet Chester seems to know every corner leading me away as the guards follow close behind us taking us to Buckingham palace and before I know it we're standing at the feet of the Queen (I know she's not around anymore but I'm NOT COPING OKAY? SO SHUT UP) which looks quite a bit like Chester "...my son, you found him" she smiled "hey mum." He whined "who's this young gentleman you brought with you?" She asked pointing towards me. "Your boyfriend?" She inquired about our relationship with each other "no mum! He's my best friend" he yapped embarrassed "sorry about her" he whispered to me "it's alright I just didn't know I was in the presence of royalty." I joked "ahh humour, he'll be a good king you chose right." She announced as his face flushed red "I want grandbabies!" She giggled Chester's face flushed even more red and he grabbed my hand tighter and lead me to his room and sat me down "dude! Why didn't you tell me you were royalty?" I argued "I'm sorry Parker, are you mad?" He asked nervously "no dude! I could never be mad at you! But... I have a question" "shoot." I take a breath "why did you bring me with you?"  "Oh... you're my best friend of course I would bring you with!" He smiled hugging me and tackling me to his bed when *ding! His phone got a notification he opened it and his smile faded one more text from Sandra 

How about you slit your throat and do everyone a favour lol 😂 

I opened my messages to me she said

I love you! <3

I'm breaking up with you sorry not sorry lol 😂 

I typed and hit send showing Chester and kissing him passionately as she blew up my phone and honestly the added noise made it more romantic when Chester's door creaked open "crap. I owe mum so much money" his sister whispered defeated "dude come eat dinner" "okay!" Chester called back to her quickly getting off of me and changing passing me some clothes that were too big for him and walking to the dining room with me. Finishing dinner saying good night and running up to his room with me and flopping onto his bed drifting off to sleep in my arms.


I'm so sorry I have no idea about the royal family so if anything is wrong please tell me!

862 words

I'm so proud of you <3

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