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In the hospital,

Doctor is checking Nisha's  injury and both the boys were standing surrounding her like a chipkali 😂

Nisha squeezes her eyes feeling the burning sensation.

A hiss left from her mouth.

Krish automatically holds her hand in support silently.

"The cut is quite deep but thankfully it doesn't require stitches" the doctor told her finally dressing the area.

"I am prescribing some medicine. Apply it timely and don't wet that area" he lastly leaves from there while handing the prescription.

The trio finally comes out of the hospital.

" Thank you Vishal for coming to the hospital" Nisha says with a smile.

"Are what are you saying this. How could I have not come when all this happens because of me " he says with a apologetic face.

Krish rolls his eyes.

"Nisha , I think we should now leave for your home right. The doctor already told you to take rest " he says not at all liking his presence.

"Yeah you should go home Nisha , and if you want I can take you to your home " he says while holding her hand.

Before she could reply,

"You have done enough Vishal. Thank you for your concern . But, I'm here . I can take her ." He says in a not so normal tone.

"Let's go " without waiting for his reply he takes her from there.

In home,

"What is this behaviour Krish ?? Is this how you talk with your friend ?? "

Krish doesn't give any reply and helps her to relax in the bed.

"You know he is such a nice guy. How he helps me when I got the injury.He is already feeling guilty.You shouldn't have behave like that " she pouts glaring at him.

He pour some water in the glass and pause hearing her words. The grip on the glass tightens.

"First thing he is not my friend. He is just the guy of the opposition team and that's how I know him and second thing he is the one who accidentally throws the ball towards you. It's his mistake and isn't it obvious that he should be feel guilty?  Come on now drink this water. "

He forwards the glass towards her.

"Ok baba . Why are you getting angry haa?? Calm your brain and you drink this water. You need it more" She rolls her eyes and pushes the glass towards his lips.

He sighs and sits down beside her.

" I am not angry. It's just that I don't like that guy. His behaviour towards you is just irks me and reason I myself don't know ." He palms his face.

He doesn't know how he will make her understand the real reason. She is just brilliant in studies and rest she is all dumb.

Nisha laughs.

"You know what krish ,you are thinking too much . Just give some rest to your chotu sa brain. "

He smirks.

"Ya ya look who is telling whom huhh !! "

She glares and slaps his shoulder.

He tries to run when she starts throwing pillows on him.

"Youuu!!!!! I hate youuuuuuu!!!!"

"Yeahh feelings are mutuals chanduu "..he shouts back.

She pouts while smiling but next  moment she shouts.

"Meet mumma in the kitchen before leaving ".

She smiles while shaking her head.

In night , Nisha is scrolling her instagram account. She was seeing one photo of krish and hers which he posted a few seconds ago. It's a funny one. She chuckles seeing it.

Just as she was about comment on it .She gets a ping on her notification section and frowns.

She checks it and startles. It's a friend request from none other than Vishal.

She accepts it and within few second she got a 'hi Vishal here' text from him.


Vishal : hii ,did you recognise  me 😌 ??

Nisha - Ofcourse ☺️ .

Vishal : by the way how is your leg?? Is it still paining?

Nisha- A little bit but it's ok .

Vishal - it's all happened because of me 🥺🥺

Nisha- common ,it's just a accident. Don't blame yourself.

Vishal- it's just I can't forget the scene.  .Also krish is too angry on me.. I can feel it.

Nisha - don't take his words ok ?? That time he is bit tensed seeing me in that position. So he reacted like that.

Vishal - hmmm..

That time she saw  krish is calling her.

Nisha- ummm Vishal , I am getting a call. I will talk to you later .

Vishal - I know who is calling you krish right?? 😜😜You guys carry on bye.

Nisha- yeah 😅😅

She takes the call.

"Oii what takes you so long to pick up the call??" He questions her just as she picks it up.

" Krish krish you know what happen. I am scrolling my Instagram and that time vi.."

She stops before completing the word.

"Hello?? Why did you stop ?? Tell me " he chuckles.

In her mind ,

No no if I tell him about Vishal now . He will again get angry without any reason. Let's not spoil his mood. I will tell him later.

Ohh hello madam ??

She came out of her thoughts

"Woh I was seeing one funny reel on the Insta that's why got late to pickup your call."she says.

"You and your obsession with reel." He shakes his head.

She laughs sheepishly.

"Okay leave all this ,did you take your medicine ??"

"What happen to you ?? Are you all right ?? " She ask him with a doubt.

Krish taken aback by her question.

"What will happen to me ??"

"No I mean from when did you starts getting worried for me??" She says unsurely.

"Do you think I don't care about you??" He groans.

"Till yesterday, then ofcourse!!" She giggles.

"You know what,you are impossible!!!" He shouts at the phone

She starts laughing out loud.

"Okay okay on the serious note ,I took my medicine . There is still some pain but its alright " she says.

"Good girl !" He grins.

"Ok mera baap anything else??" She ask rolling her eyes.

"Yes and stop using phone till late night or else I will complain to aunty " he smirks.

"Shut up !!! " She cuts the call.

She smiles when she got a text .

"Good night chanduu👻 👻"


𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐲𝐚𝐚𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐚 | 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 |  Where stories live. Discover now