~°. Chartreuse .°~

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(This one's a bit questionable, I'll admit.)

(Yes, this is based on Victaton's series.)

(Chartreuse is just a variant of another OC of mine.)

(No, I don't really think she interacts with the canon characters. I made this one a part of her heavily underdeveloped story, which I may or may not place down depending on if I'm gonna be put on a pike and roasted over a fire over a dumb OC based on some stuff.)

(TW: implications of s3xual assault and r4pe.)


Name: Chartreuse.

To put this one in simple words, Chartreuse is a timid writer working for a fashion industry, having mainly been selected to plan and advertise whenever new sets of clothing have been released and put on sale.

While she's a quiet lady, Chartreuse is very dedicated to what she does and how she manages her time. Her only set boundary is no touchy and no convo longer than a minute.

Age: 22, born on April 4th.

She had a decent life growing up. However, recent events that lead to her timid and hesitant nature would make socializing and connecting with others very difficult, having been induced with great bounds of anxiety and paranoia after a few incidents in her mid-adolescence and early adulthood (18-20).

Gender: female, she/her.

Despite her mannerisms and identity, Chartreuse doesn't feel entirely comfortable in her skin. Not much to say about that.

Personality: timid, patient, emotional, quiet, friendly, reserved, easily frightened.

While Chartreuse is normal described as a shy one among her co-workers, she is an emotional young woman who struggles to connect with others due to her social anxiety.

Sure, you could expect a few good stories or thoughtful writings from her pages, but in terms of verbal communication, Chartreuse CANNOT hold a conversation for more than ten seconds.

This one is incredibly jittery and tends to lose her thoughts VERY easily. Too much pressure and Chartreuse is bound to start crying.

She doesn't complain about her tears, though. The reserved writer usually attempts to shrug it off and go about her day, even if she's easily bothered by her surroundings and how others would approach her.

...as much as she hates it, Chartreuse is an incredibly emotional woman and very easily set off by the slightest of problems. This lady can and will overthink the situation and believe that she's the cause for it.

Headcanon voice: SOLARIA.


Likes: moccacino/mocha coffee, chocolate, pastries (specifically éclair and cream-filled donuts), Green, comfy clothing, winter.

Dislikes: physical contact, socializing, being pressured/bothered, loud noises, eye contact, being followed (unless needed), affection, getting a tad too close for comfort.


Chartreuse is, overall, a sweet and soft lady, but incredibly dismissive of any emotional connection nor physical contact. She is touch-avoidant yet touch-starved, but she'd never admit this to anyone. Not even her friends or co-workers.



Green; trust (one-sided), colleagues.

(💚) Although she's intimidated by the latter's quiet nature, Chartreuse has a soft spot for Green, despite not truly knowing just who she is or what she does.

All she knows about Green is the just her role of a task manager and a woman of few words, much like herself.

(🟢) Quiet, reserved, and only really speaks when spoken to. Green is a deadpan and silent one, but opened up to Chartreuse just to help the poor girl find her way around her surroundings.

Green doesn't necessarily consider Chartreuse to be a friend, only really seeing her as a quiet, emotional lady than anything else. Nothing more, nothing less.

Crimson; fear (one-sided), obsession (one-sided), ex-lovers.

(💚) Even to recent years, Chartreuse is still haunted by her previous encounters with him.

There isn't much to say, but we'll just admit that their relationship wasn't anything pleasant.

(❣️) An irredeemable monster.

Charismatic and has his way with sugar-coated words, but not a great guy.

Teal; neutral.

(💚) Chartreuse doesn't know Teal. Perhaps she may have seen her once or twice, but there isn't much to say about her opinion.

(💧) Teal only knows Chartreuse as the "shy lady." Much like the latter, she has seen the timid writer walking around with a seemingly endless stack of papers, as per usual.

She knows just a tiny bit about the timid figure from her older sister (Green, Teal's sibling), but not enough to get a full picture as to who Chartreuse is outside of work.

One thing's for sure, Teal is somewhat concerned for the latter's jittery nature.

Apricot; trust, co-workers.

(💚) She visits her quite often, let's just say.

Chartreuse doesn't trust many of her colleagues, not even the one's she had been assigned to work with, so she usually runs off to Apricot, her technical therapist.

They aren't considered as friends, but Apricot has enough patience to care for Chartreuse, having seen her enough to know when she's in a mood.

(🟠) As stated above, Apricot cares and often accompanied Chartreuse during work hours, almost never leaving her alone as... Uh, she can't really be left on her own.

The timid writer was like a lost puppy when trying independence, hence having Apricot being assigned to watch Chartreuse' behaviour and keep track of how she was feeling.

Apricot was more of an out-spoken fashion designer than a licensed therapist, but maybe she made an exception for Chartreuse. Poor girl couldn't be left alone for a solid five minutes without fear.


(Heavily underdeveloped. Had to force this one out of my brain before I lost motivation again)

(Anyway, I might be hit in the head with writer's block. Please get me out of this hell)

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