~°. Scissors .°~

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(This is my evil lady. I love her a tad too much,)


(No, she's not inspired by Scythe. I made this back in November 10-15, 2023 when I was still new to Phighting. Let's just say that I like evil pink two-faced bitches, so I started with this character, one who I have loosely based off of Subspace and Spinel)

(TW: Mentions of abusive behaviour, murder, manipulation, gaslighting, etc etc)


Name: ???

Does not go by a name due to lack of gear. It's hinted that her gear was either destroyed after her creation or has been stolen. She has not been known by anything until she reached her adolescence, age 16.

Nicknames: Scissors, Scissie, Love (self-proclaimed)

She would prefer to be known as "Scissors" by locals, despite this not being her true name. No, she does not remember her former name.

Personality: two-faced, silver-tongued, snarky, dishonest, selfish, rude, inconsiderate, flirtatious, and observant.

Scissors is a complex sort. While she can be quite helpful towards her co-workers and those who require her assistance, she is not sincere and purely works for others because they give her decent pay. She thrives on hurting others purely for her own amusement and to gain fame, money, status, and the attention of others. She does not care for many and only tolerates them because they can benefit her in some shape or another. In other words, Scissors sees others as mere tools than demons, only using them before completely disregarding their existence once she proves them to no longer be of use.

She is quite the snarky sort and tends to make fun of others. Scissors is willing to research endlessly just to find out every little thing about a person, ranging from investigating, blackmailing, manipulating others to do her dirty work, or stalking. This individual does not care about the privacy others. To add to this, and while she is not truly interest in developing relationships with other individuals, Scissors uses a sweet, playful façade in order to gain another's trust, pretending to be their friend until she manages to break into their head, where she would slowly reveal her true colours and likely grow tempted to hurt them or use them. She has a habit of taking advantage of those foolish enough to trust and like her, and unless they can see through her mask, she is a cruel lady who only wishes to steal, gain, and grow.

Headcanon voice: Black Pearl cookie (Normal), Mommy Mearest (Canon)

Agender (she/her), 28 years old, created on April 4th.

She has resided in the Lost Temple region as a former confectioner to a small but swell business lead by a demon known as Heartbreak, someone who's known to be sweet in both nature and... Well, making sweets.

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