Chapter Ten: Shadows of Forgotten Love.

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The night pressed in around him, heavy and suffocating. Ishan gripped the steering wheel with a vice-like hold, his knuckles turning white. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the blur of passing headlights did nothing to quiet the storm inside him.

"How could she forget everything?" The question escaped his lips in a ragged whisper, filled with a mixture of disbelief and anguish. Each memory of her—the laughter they shared, the dreams they once held, the whispered promises—now felt like cruel taunts. Her eyes, once so full of love and recognition, now looked through him with unsettling indifference.

He slammed his foot down on the accelerator, the car responding with a roar as it tore down the empty highway. The world outside became a blur, insignificant compared to the chaos raging within him. Her ignorance, her distance, her transformed behavior—it was all too much to bear.

The dashboard's dim glow highlighted the lines of pain etched deeply into his face. Every mile he drove, every reckless swerve, was a futile attempt to escape the relentless torment that gnawed at his heart. No matter how fast he went, the memories clung to him like a curse.

"Why can't you remember me?" he shouted into the emptiness, his voice cracking with raw emotion. Her smile, now a distant memory, haunted him. She had been his world, his anchor, and now she was gone, lost in the fog of her forgotten past.

He tightened his grip on the wheel, his vision blurring with unshed tears. Her indifference felt like a knife twisting in his chest, a cruel reminder of the love they once shared. He couldn't stand her looking at him like a stranger, as if their history meant nothing.

In his mind, he replayed the moment she looked at him with that blank stare, her words cutting deep. The weight of her forgotten love was unbearable, a constant ache that wouldn't let him go. Lost in his torment, he didn't see the sharp curve ahead until it was too late.

The tires screamed in protest as he yanked the wheel, but the car's momentum was too great. It veered off the road, crashing through the guardrail with a deafening noise. Metal crunched, glass shattered, and the world spun violently.

As the car finally came to a halt, crumpled and smoking, Ishan felt a sharp pain in his chest. But it was nothing compared to the agony in his heart. Darkness crept into the edges of his vision, the world fading to black.

In those final moments before consciousness slipped away, his thoughts were of her. Her face, her voice, the memories they had built together. A single tear traced down his cheek as he whispered her name, a silent plea for a love that seemed lost forever.

And then, there was nothing but darkness and the distant wail of sirens, heralding a night that would change everything.
As Ishan lay in the hospital, ensnared in the silent grip of a coma, his mind swam in a sea of fragmented memories and forgotten promises. The machines around him beeped steadily, a stark reminder of his fragile state. Outside the sterile walls of his hospital room, life moved on, oblivious to his suffering.

Meanwhile, across town, Mili's parents were deep in conversation, their voices low and urgent. They had always act to been protective of their daughter, as always their motives were far from pure. They had learned of Ishan's return and the profound effect it had on Mili. Unwilling to let the past disrupt their carefully laid plans, they decided to act swiftly.

"It's time we bring her home," her father said, his tone resolute. "We can't risk Ishan rekindling anything with her."

Her mother nodded, her eyes cold and calculating. "We need to proceed with the marriage as ordered. She doesn't need to know the details. It's for her own good."

Mili received the call while she was still grappling with the whirlwind of emotions from her recent encounter with Ishan. The abruptness of her parents' request left her puzzled and uneasy. She packed her bags, her mind swirling with questions. Why had they called her back so suddenly? What was so urgent that it couldn't wait?

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