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"Are you ok?" Adrien asked looking warily at me. I did not have a mirror but i knew i was deathly pale at the moment. I looked up from my mug and smiled slightly.

"Yeah am fine...you said your husband's name is Jeremy?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, Jeremy Martinez. Your boss?" He looked uncertain as he stared at me. My eyes widened. He still thought i worked there.

Uh...no he's not my boss actually..." I trailed off. Adrien looked at me unconvinced and then sighed before fully sitting up to give me all his attention. I did not like that.

"Then why were you outside the company  wearing an expwnsive suit and looking all classy?" He asked. I couldn't help the slight chuckle that tore through my lips. It wasn't my fault my dad was obsessed with impression.

"I came to...I came to see my boyfriend..." I started saying but stopped. Should i tell him i found his husband with my boyfriend in my boyfriend's office.

"Who is?..." He asked curious. He seemed happy to meet a fellow gay and i was happy i did not have to encounter another homophobe.

"His name is Clarence...." I stopped when Adrien's eyes lit up.

"Oh...the Italian CEO who just signed a deal with us?" He asked clearly excited. "He is a great young man....he is the friend I was going to cook dinner for...wait...if you're his boyfriend, you're welcome too..." He screeched excited. I stared at him and looked away.

"I dont think that's a great idea." My jaw ticked in irritation. "Considering they called security on me."  Adrien's eyes widened, then as if he put everything in place he nodded looking back down on his lap, his mug completely forgotten. I fear his chocolate was getting cold...why wasn't he looking up?

"So that's why Clarence was crying..." He nodded to himself again and my eyes widened and shot up.

"Am sorry, crying?" I asked. He looked up again and frowned.

"Yeah, i went back to take my keys and he was crying. Jeremy was comforting him and telling him Arnold needed time...i guess i should've put two and two together." He said looking dissapointed in himself.

"What happened?" He finally asked. I looked up. I felt guilty and betrayed all at once.

"I found them hugging...i thought he was cheating on me..." I said as my voice broke.

"Why would you think your boyfriend is cheating on you?" He asked.

"You dont get it...Clarence and Jeremy had history..." I said frustrated.

"I know." He calmly said. He was looking deep into my eyes like he wanted to see my next move. I knew he did so i leaned back a bit.

"You know? And you're cool with them hugging?" I asked shocked.

"I was the one who asked Jeremy to do that, why would i be insecure." My nose scrunched up in disgust and new hate for the man seated across me. I wanted to punch that calm face of his for making mine and my boyfriend's ex to hug my boyfriend.

"Before you get angry, it isn't for the reason you think. You see when Jeremy got an email that one of the wealthiest CEOs in Italy wants to invest in his company and partner with him, he was so excited. He was told it was a Clerence Miguel. Jeremy did not know it was Jace. When Jace got here and had meetings with the executives, that was the first time Jeremy knew it was him. He was so panicked and thought Clarence will break the partnership so I told him to go apologize." Adrien said and calmed down for a while before he took another deep breathe.

"Am sure, what you walked in on was ny husband apologizing to Clerence." He said calmly. It took me a while to process what he had said before nodding. That made sense but now I felt like a jerk. How would I face Clerence?

"You should trust him more, he's a good kid." He said. I nodded and sighed again.

"I wish i knew sooner." He held my hand and smiled.

"You know now, and we are gonna make a meal at my place and have dinner with my husband and your boyfriend so you can settle this feud you two have." He said taking the cheque and going over to the counter. I smiled at his retreating figure before remembering the one question I wanted to ask Clerence when he was still in a comma. I waited till Adrien returned and we were walking to his car before I spoke.

"Do you know who that kid is...the one in Clerence's office?" I asked. He smiled as he unlocked the car and got in. He waited for me to fasten my seatbelt before he spoke with his usual calm demeanor.

"I think Clerence adopted him. We haven't known each other for long so i don't know much about him, yknow?" He asked as he drove through the highway. I nodded absently. No wonder the kid was stuck to him even in hospital, he was the father...now the one question in my mind was...
Would he let me be his father too? I always wanted us to adopt a kid when we were old enough and got married. I hoped he would after i apologise tonight.

We stopped at a huge mansion and Adrien parked in a car shed before we walked towards the house door. He searched his pockets for a key and nervously chuckled.

"Oh! I forgot to mention, my uncle is here, he came to visit, he is sort of a father figure so dont be shocked when you see a grumpy old man." He chuckled and entered the key into the keyhole. I smiled and nodded as he turned to me and whispered slightly.

"Jeremy has Never met him, he wanted to meet him before the wedding." He said excited. The twinkle in his eyes told me he was talking about their wedding. So they hadn't done one yet? I hope i get invited, Adrien is cool. He opened the door and i bent over to untie my shoe laces before i heard a very familiar yet unpleasant voice. My breathe hitched and I felt dizzy as I looked up at the face I loathed.

"Arnold,meet my uncle...uncle, this is Arnold, my friend...he will be having dinner with us."

Hey guys...how are you guys doing...anyway...who do you think the uncle is?? Plus a huge thanks to all my voters for motivating me to write🤧its the star at the bottom left people😭😭is it too much to ask???

Oh and thank you to MelekHussain7 for always thanking me for updates and making me feel like this story is worthwhile....love yall,,,,bye don't forget to vote and comment.🤍🤍😗

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