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Nat's POV:

After lying in Yelena's bed for a while, we went down to the kitchen to get something to eat. A few of the other team members were already waiting there. Wanda was making pancakes for everyone when we came into the kitchen.

"Good morning you three, if you wait another five minutes you can eat fresh pancakes, they're almost ready." Wand said to us.
We sat down at the counter, but Tilly only wanted to sit on my lap and cuddle with me.

After a few minutes, however, I noticed that my T-shirt was getting a little wet on my shoulder and looked down at Tilly. Only then did I notice that she was crying.
"Hey baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked her quietly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yelena turn to us and give Tilly a worried look. It seems she does have a weakness for children.

Tilly buried herself more into my neck and murmured softly 'you've come back to me'. And I couldn't help but hug her close to me.
"Of course I came back, I promised you!" I said and stroked her hair.
"Nobody came back to me voluntarily." She said quietly.

"I will forever, no matter when or no matter where I am, always come back to you Tilly. You're my baby and I love you so much. I don't even know what I would do without you anymore." I said to her honestly. Because that's the truth. Since Tilly has been with me, I've wanted nothing more than to spend time with her and I don't know what I would do if she wasn't here. I've gotten so used to her and our everyday life that I don't want to do anything else.

"I love you mom"
"I love you too, my darling, but let's eat first and then we can do something you want. I promise."

Wanda brought us our plates of pancakes and the four of us ate breakfast.
In the middle of breakfast, however, Tilly looked at Wanda and noticed the big scratch on her face that she had gotten from an alien in the fight yesterday.

"Wanda are you hurt?" Tilly asked cautiously.
"Oh, you mean my scratch here?" Wanda asked, pointing to the wound on her face. Tilly nodded and Wanda shook her head.
"Don't worry baby, I'm not hurt. An alien got me a bit yesterday, but it doesn't hurt any more."

"Do you need a band-aid? Mommy and I went shopping for princess band-aids the other day! You can have one and if mommy gives you a kiss to make you feel better, the scratch will be completely gone tomorrow! Mommy's kisses always help." She said proudly and full of joy. But when she mentioned the part about the kiss, Wanda and I both blushed. I don't think either of us had expected that.

Yelena, who had been sitting next to us the whole time and grinning at us both, suddenly stood up and turned to Tilly.
"I think that's a wonderful idea Tilly! Wanda will certainly feel much better afterwards. Come on, I'll help you get the band-aids!" She called out and took Tilly off my lap.

I tried to give Yelena a 'don't you dare' look but she was already gone. She turned to me again and gave me a 'you're welcome' look with a wink. Sometimes I just hate her.

I turned to Wanda and apologized for the two of them.
"It's all good Nat, it's rather sweet that she thought of it that way." She assured me with a smile.
"It's sweet for Tilly, yes, but I still apologize for Yelena."
"It's really all good Tasha." She said, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it tightly.

At that moment, Yelena came down the stairs again with Tilly on her hip. Wanda quickly pulled her hand away from mine and I don't know why, but somehow my hand felt cold now. I furrowed my brow but shook the feeling off again.

Yelena put Tilly down and she ran to us, holding the packet of band-aids in her hand.
"Mom, I've got the band-aids!" She shouted and held them in front of my face,
"Well done! Would you like to choose one for Wanda or can she do it?" I asked her, although I already knew the answer.
"Wanda chooses, but I help her. Because not every princess suits every boo-boo!" She exclaimed and walked over to Wanda's side, who took her onto her lap.

Tilly poured the band-aids out of the box and on the table and organized it by princesses. She then explained to Wanda exactly what each princess was called and what they helped with. To be honest, I couldn't keep up and was glad that she was talking to Wanda and not to me, because even I couldn't remember that much information.

But what I could remember was that Ariel helped best against pricks and Cinderella helped against all kind of knee injuries.

"So which plaster do you think would help me the best?" Wanda asked Tilly, who was sitting very comfortably on her lap.
"I think you should take Aurora. Because she helps with injuries to the face!" Tilly explained.
"Okay then, take the band-aid and stick it on my wound."

"But before that, Mommy has to give you a kiss so that it gets better quickly!" She exclaimed.
"Oh Ehm, I don't know Tilly, mummy's kisses don't help everyone" I tried to explain to her gently. I certainly didn't want to make Wanda uncomfortable and Tilly sad.
"Why don't you try mommy? I think it will help Wanda!"
"Exactly! You never know until you try it. That's what you always told me back then Nat!" Yelena interjected and I glared at her.

I looked at Wanda with a questioning look, asking if she would be okay with me kissing her. She nodded to me and I got up from my chair and walked over to the two of them.

"There mom!" Tilly said, pointing to Wanda's injury. I raised my hands and held Wanda's head in my hands. She looked up at me and we looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds. We both blushed a little and I leaned down and placed a long, loving kiss on the cut.

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