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Tilly's POV:

The next morning I woke up early and felt a slight scratchy sensation in my throat. It felt like Dave had put his hands around my neck again the night before, making it harder to breathe.
I didn't like this feeling and decided to look for Yelena. After all, she would hopefully protect me if Dave came.

I went into the guest room and Yelena was still in bed, asleep. I didn't want to wake her up, so I just layed down next to her and went back to sleep. But I still noticed how Yelena turned to me in her sleep and put her arm around me.

Nat's POV:

I felt really bad after leaving Tilly alone with Yelena yesterday. She was so sad that I was leaving and thought I wasn't getting back to her.

We all wanted to get the mission over with as quickly as possible and get back home quickly. I just wanted to hold my little Tilly in my arms.

The purple guy, also known as Thanos, had a whole army which we had to fight. It was really exhausting and we were all pushed to our limits.

At one point I was on the ground in front of an alien who wanted to kill me, but then Wanda came up behind me and killed him. However, while she was killing him, his blue blood splattered on my face.
"Eww" I said to myself.
"You better watch out Nat, you still have to come back to someone!" She shouted to me.
"Thanks, but if I get blemishes from that now, it's on you!" I said, wiping the blue splashes off my face.
"No you won't and even if you do, you'll still look pretty."

I blushed as Wanda flew away again and I started fighting again.
We had actually defeated the alien army faster than we had thought we will. I think it was because the aliens were tactically as bad as the Italian army in World War II.

It was already evening, almost night, when we were finally finished and only had to fight Thanos. Well, to be honest, Wanda did all the work. We just stood around and watched.

Wanda used her powers to get Thanos up in the air and as far as I understood it, she kept increasing the pressure on him until he burst. And we got all his blood on us again. Great, more stains.

On the flight back, we were all very exhausted, especially Wanda. We all sat together in the Quinjet and rested. I could tell Wanda was pretty tired, but trying to stay awake, so I held her and rested her head on my shoulder so she could sleep better.

It was pretty cute to watch her sleep as she snored a little bit and since everyone on the Quinjet was quiet, I could hear her just fine.

I even briefly thought about what it would be like if I could sleep with her and Tilly together. I would have my two favorite people, except for Yelena, with me and I would be the happiest person on earth. That would be perfect.

But I was brought out of my thoughts by Clint throwing a small plastic ball at me.
"What was that for? If you had woken Wanda up, you'd be dead by now" I was a bit annoyed with Clint for bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Wow come off it, I was just trying to get your attention, but you were obviously somewhere else." He said with a smirk as he looked to Wanda. I followed his gaze and realized what he meant.
"Don't even start" I warned him.

"Would it be so bad to admit that you're in love?"
"Yes, because I know you'll all tease me! And now be quiet or you'll wake her up." I said and looked down at Wanda, who was fortunately still fast asleep.

It wouldn't be long before we arrived home. I hope that Tilly is doing well and that she hasn't missed me too much. I did send her a voice message via the bracelet a few times when she pressed her bracelet, but I hope that Yelena didn't annoy her too much.

When we arrived at the compound, it was still quite early in the morning, which meant that Yelena and Tilly would still be asleep. We all went in quietly and decided that we would postpone the meeting for a few hours so that we could all get some sleep first. I brought Wanda to her room and then went to mine.

But when I opened the door, I didn't find Tilly asleep, but an empty bed.
"What the hell?" I asked out loud and started to panic. I asked JARVIS where Tilly was and he told me that she was in Yelena's room.

I was quite relieved and immediately made my way to Yelena's room. Once there, I quietly opened the door and found Yelena asleep with a sleeping Tilly on top of her. The two of them looked really cute together. But I wondered how the hell Tilly had managed to get into bed with Yelena, because as far as I know, Yelena hates sleeping in a bed with another person.

I quickly took a photo and got into bed next to the two of them. Yelena will hate me in the morning, but I don't really care right now.


"MAMA!" I feel someone jump on me and wake me up immediately. I groan and open my eyes to see who is waking me up so hard. I blink twice and find a very excited Tilly sitting on my stomach.

"Mommy you're back!" She shouts and falls onto me. I wrap my arms around her and give her a big hug. I look around the room and find Yelena, who has just left the bathroom.

"I really wanted to let you sleep, but the little one didn't want to wait any longer." She said and I smiled at her.
"It's all right, was she good for you?" I asked.
"Mom, I was really good!" Tilly called out to me and I giggled.
"I believe you Детка, but didn't I ask Aunt Yelena?" She then dropped back onto me and buried her head in my shoulder.
"She was just a normal kid, what do you want to hear? But no, she didn't do anything bad or something like that, if that was your question."

Hey guys,
First of all, I'm really sorry that you had to wait almost a whole month. I've been so busy again with school, work and everything else that I haven't been able to get anything done, but I just sat down today and wrote so that I could give you 3 new chapters!
Hope you like them and thanks for all the support, I never thought this story would get this big 🤭

The Girl From The Woods ~ Natasha Romanoff × Adopted Daughter Where stories live. Discover now