Story 6

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3 days later

Yeah Hakeem and Laura are happily dating and me and Hakeem haven't been speaking.I went and took a shower and got dressed.....

I drove to my parents house and walked in

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I drove to my parents house and walked in."Goodmorning my family"I shouted."Wow someone's happy"Mom said hugging me."Kind of"I said."Hey look my princess is here"Dad said."Hey dad"I said hugging him."Where's my teddy bear"I said referring to Stormi."She's having a sleepover with True and your aunt Khloe"She said."Aww I wanted to take her with me to work"I said."Yeah next time so you gonna have breakfast"Dad asked."No I just wanted to pop in I'm going to work now"I said."Okay well I will see ypu later"She said."Yeah bye love you two"I said walking out."We love you too"He shouted back making me smile and I walked out and drove and bought me a drink and went straight to Empire.I walked in and greeted everyone but saw no Lyons around.Until I saw Tiana."Hey gurl"I said hugging her."Hey babe whtsupp"She said."Nothing much,Is Lucious in his office I need to talk about my performance"I asked."Yeah No the family have a emergency so they all went home"She said."I hope everything's okay but I'm gonna go home I just needed to talk to him"I said."Not really,But bye see you tomorrow love you"She said hugging me."Bye love you too"I said and drove home and went and made me a protein shake and went on a run because I had nothing to do.I ran for 40 minutes then I came back home.......

<Ignore the phone talking but you Anika>

We went inside and he kissed me on."I have always loved you"He said still kissing me."I love you too"I said and one thing led to another.We were done doing you know what."So you gonna tell me what happened to your face"I asked."I got kidnapped and yeah this happend"He said."Omg"I said jumping up touching his face."Ouch"He said hincing."Im sorry"I said."Its okay I will be okay"He said."Yeah No I'm taking you to your parents let's go"I said getting dressed."No"He said."I wasn't asking"I said.....

[Your outfit]

The car ride was silence

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The car ride was silence.We got there and I helped him out the car even though I myself couldn't walk.I walked in."Omg Hakeem you home"Cookie said hugging him."Where were you"Cookie asked."He came to my house and then brought him"I said."Omg Yn thank you so much"She said hugging me."My pleasure"I said."Thank you really i mean it"Lucious said."Its no problem I'm just happy he came to me and that his safe"I said."Hakeem we brought a doctor"Jamal said."I don't care about no doctor"He said."It will be okay"Doctor said and Hakeem agreed after a few seconds and then he went in the dining room and while they were closing we saw his back.And We were all in shock and Cookie started crying.He came out and he went and took a shower and went to his room."I will go check up on him"I said."Thank you sweetie"Cookie said and I went to his room and knocked."Guys I said"He said until I walked in."Oh its you"He said."You okay"I asked."Kind of"He said."So Keem I wanna talk about"I said."Look I was not in my right mind I was just alittle dizzy"He said making me look shocked."What"I said."Yeah I'm sorry"He said."Well I guess I'm just a stupid girl falling for your trap every time"I said walking out."Night everyone"I said just walking out and drove my car to my house and took a shower and went to bed........

~Buenas noches

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