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Emily was a wonderful child. She would always lighten up her parents' day. She would run trough the halls, play many different games with them, draw everyone together. But all kids have curiosity... And Emily was no different.

Ever since she was given to the Magne family, she has lived in their mansion without ever leaving it's walls.
The first woman got overprotective over her child, she wouldn't let anyone take her away just like they did with her first kids.

Hell is an awful place, the worst it could ever be and, obviously, not a safe place for her little princess.

Her little angel.



"How would I ever know?? She is usually with you!"

"I told you to watch over her for a minute, do you ever listen to me!?"

"I was BUSY- I told you! Leave me alone!"


"Don't talk shit about my songs! Why won't YOU find her??"


With that said in a commanding tone, Adam stood up from his chair with an unpleasent look, huffing and kicking his feet before leaving his office. "I swear to God, this woman will kill me one day, if not her, her kid", he says under his breath before teleporting to all of the rooms she could ever be. Then to the less usual ones... Then to the impossible ones... "Where the fuck is she?.." Adam finally starts to look more worried, looking over all the spots that exists, before teleporting to Eve, that was still looking around aswell.

"I can't find her anywhere..."

"Do you think...?"



"I can't believe I finally managed to leave that house! I'll finally see how my people are outside the tv!
I don't know why mom and dad wouldn't let me leave, this can't be that bad. And I'm a big girl, I am almost a teenager! I don't need them to look after me all the time... I've been hiding behind these trash cans for awhile now and nothing happened, I just can't believe that no demon has appeared yet, am I too close to the mansion? Guess I'll have to walk a bit more."

Emily walks around quietly, hiding behind her bat-like wings. Even tho she tries to seem confident, she knows that maybe her parents have a reason to forbid her to leave their safe place. "But if I'm their princess, shouldn't I atleast get to know them? One day I'll have to help with royalty stuff!", she thinks to herself, walking a little further from her home, finally starting to hear more noises from the city, she looks around behind a building.

"Here smells kinda bad... and it's so noisy! Aren't mom and dad supposed to take care of this place...?", she thinks before she starts walking again, looking around and finally seeing some sinners. She gets silently excited by every single sinner she sees from far away, how all of them are extremely different, specially when compared to her own appearence. She walks, astonished, not even looking forward anymore, when she suddenly bumps into someone.

"A-Ah, sorry! sir-"

"Watch where ya going, brat!" - The sinner says rudely, walking trough her with a push.

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