Baby girl

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I woke up to the sound of the guys yelling downstairs to some video game. Sammy was slowly waking and going back to sleep.

"UGH NOOOO" Nate yelled from downstairs.

Sammy woke up and closed the door then got back in bed. I turned around to face him making smile. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Morning babygirl." His raspy voice was so sexy it made me weak.

"Morning daddy." I teased making him smirk.

"You really want to start?" He asked trailing his hands down my body placing them on my butt.

"Maybe, maybe not. actually I don't know. in some of your music videos your around complete sluts so..." I said making him eager. I smirked and got out of bed running downstairs. I sat down next to Nate quickly making him laugh.

"We got you gummy worms." Jack G. smiled at me, knowing how much I loved them.

"Thank youuuu!" I squealed hugging him. I ran to the kitchen opening the bag then suddenly feeling Sammy's hands around me. I just ate a gummy worm as if I did nothing.

"Want one?" I asked tilting up my head to look at him.

"Babygirl that's not what I want to be eating right now." He mumbled seductively putting his hand in my shorts.

"C'mon Sammy, stop it." I moaned as his lips kissed my neck. he moved up his hands under my shirt then my braw squeezing my boobs. then he let one hand go back in my shorts and began to finger me. soon a knot formed in my stomach. "S-Sam I'm close." I lightly moaned. and like that he walked out the kitchen leaving me a mess. I sighed and made some coffee. once I was done I set the cup in the sink and went back to the living room with my gummy worms. Sammy smirked at me deviously then looked back at the tv. I sat down in his lap shifting a lot making him hard. He gripped on my hips signaling for me to stop.

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