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So- I'm not deleting the old chapters, in just unpublishing them. I can create a separate fic for the old un-edited chapters if yall would like. Please let me know if you prefer this style or my old style!

Kaidou felt the bed against the back of his legs and allowed himself to be pushed backward. Kuboyasu pulled away from his lips in order to climb on top of the blue haired man, straddling his hips. He then leaned down to mouth at the smaller man's neck, leaving wet kisses as he rolled his hips. Kaidou felt his friend's tongue against his skin as he bruised his neck in the best way. Kaidou wasn't sure how much longer he could take this, starting to feel more and more needy and empty. As he rolled his hips to meet Kuboyasu's, the purple haired man moved his mouth to Kaidou's ear. "Shun..."

Shun woke up to his sister's angry yelling and complaining. He groaned in response but was silenced instantly by Sora. "Shun. If you don't get up now, you're going to be late and I'm not covering for you with mom." She growled as she passed his door once more. Shun groaned again, louder this time, and sat up in his bed. He thought back to his dream he was pulled from as he brushed his teeth after getting dressed. The dream had just started getting good and his damn sister had ruined it. Of course he appreciated his sister for waking him up so he wouldn't have to deal with their mother getting mad about him being late for classes. That didn't mean though that he couldn't still be mad at Sora.

Kaidou left the house and headed toward the school. Images from his dream still kept flashing through his mind, just like they always did. Kaidou had come to terms with the fact that he had more than platonic feelings for his friend a while ago, choosing to repress them, which had more than likely been the catalyst to these intense dreams. He had come to the conclusion that these dreams had been the work of "Dark Reunion'' entirely, coming for his friendship and trying to twist and pervert it. Lately though, the dreams had been getting more intense and had been going farther than just little dates and sweet nothings being whispered in Kaidou's ear which is what he was used to. Last night was the second time 'Kuboyasu' had kissed him, the first time was a few nights ago and it was only a few kisses. So the hickeys in his dream had been a shock that stuck in his mind. He needed to get these dreams under control.

Kaidou walked alone today, enjoying the silence around him as he listened to the birds and cars pass. He watched as there were the odd stray cats and squirrels that ran out in front of him as he walked. The wrap he wore was starting to irritate his skin, it was getting hot under the binds and itchy. Kaidou didn't dare remove it out in public though, not wanting anyone to see the wounds on his arm. He was used to the itchiness and slight pain from irritation at this point. So he ignored the feeling and kept walking until he got to the school's gates where he saw Kuboyasu was waiting for him. A wave of guilt washed over him as he saw the warm smile that his best friend had thrown his way with a small wave.

"Good morning Shun! How was your night?" Kuboyasu asked, slinging his arm over Kaidou's shoulders. Kaidou had to use almost all his energy to suppress the blush threatening to form on his cheeks at the close contact. "Uh- it- my night was fine. No visits from dark reunion thankfully! They would have had hell to pay from I, the Jet Black Wings!" Kaidou found enough comfort in Kuboyasu to not feel judged when he says his chuunibyou spiel. He hadn't felt embarrassed to be around his friend like he had with the other students at his school which surprised both of them. Kuboyasu smiled in response as they both started walking to their class.

Once they reached the doors of the classroom Kuboyasu dropped his arm and walked inside, Kaidou's smile falling at the loss of contact. As everyone settled into their seats and were chatting, Kaidou was lost in thought. All that plagued his mind was Kuboyasu's hands, his arm slung over his shoulders, his lips and what they were doing to him in his dreams last night. Kuboyasu smiled at Kaidou when he noticed the blue haired man staring, Kaidou quickly shifting his gaze to return the smile and sheepishly turn his head. He noticed Kuboyasu was wearing his glasses again, he doesn't need them but wears them in order to seem more normal in class. Kaidou thought it was cute how Kuboyasu tried to seem so 'Normal' yet his punk tendencies would almost always slip out, especially around the people he was comfortable with. Kaidou was proud of being one of the very few who saw the true punk personality of Kuboyasu and was happy to be the only person other than his family to call him by his first name.

Kuboyasu was also one of the only people Kaidou had felt comfortable and happy to be around. He would listen to the chuunibyou antics that Kaidou would display constantly and not complain or poke fun at him at all. The teacher had started the lesson and Kaidou tried the best he could to pay attention and learn something though that would prove difficult as he could only focus on Aren and the actions that he had done in his dreams that night. How he could feel his breath against the skin on his neck, the warmth of his mouth, the slight pinch of pain as he felt teeth scrape his skin. Kaidou shook his head slightly and tried his best to finally forget about his dream. He looked over at his friend who was focused on the teacher and looked almost ethereal, all of the little scars he noticed on his hands and Kuboyasu fiddled with his pencil, the way his eyelashes fluttered when he was looking over the whiteboard. Kaidou was really fucked.

Dreams Can Lead To Awkward Situations :/ (Kaidou X Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now