12. The Final Day

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Disclaimer: Mo Dao Zu Shi and The Untamed do not belong to me. The settings, characters, and plot belong, respectively, to Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and the screenwriters of The Untamed. Here, only the plot of this fanfiction and my four OCs, Huang Minghui / Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, Li Xingsi / Wei Xingsi, and Bai Yilian / Nie Yilian, are my creations. And an important reminder that this ISN'T REAL; please value your lives and do not try to get hit by a car to get this sort of adventure.

On the final day of lectures in the Cloud Recesses, all disciples were gathered together, making lanterns. Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji, Lan Minghui, and Lan Biyun stood together, painting their lanterns. Lan Minghui added a small bird nestling between the branches of a blossom tree on her lantern, proceeding to take a look at her siblings' lanterns. Similar to her design, Lan Wangji and Lan Biyun also had images of nature on their lanterns, with Lan Wangji painting what seemed to be the scenery of the Cloud Recesses, while the night sky was reflected on Lan Biyun's lantern. What Lan Xichen had chosen to draw was rather different from those of his younger siblings': He had chosen to draw himself, along with his younger siblings on the lantern; it was a beautiful, light-hearted painting.

Seeing Lan Xichen's lantern, Lan Minghui swallowed nervously at the sight of it. With everything that's supposed to happen coming closer and closer, would this still be a reality, or would it merely be a memory that could never be relived again? As worried thoughts rang loudly in her ears, Lan Minghui covered them, desperately trying to mute the sound. A voice made its way through her hands, drifting into her ears.

"Minghui? What's wrong?" Lan Xichen, noticing his sister's subdued, preoccupied expression.

Xiongzhang, trust me... I'll do whatever I can to stop you from your future sufferings... At the conception that came to mind, Lan Minghui felt a sting in her eyes, causing her tears to spill out. As Lan Biyun and Lan Wangji approached her, displaying visible concern, Lan Minghui whispered, "Gege, A-Zhan, A-Jie... please promise me that we'll always be together."

Lan Minghui didn't wait for a reply. She rested the tips of her fingers gently on the bracelets that she'd received from her brothers, years ago. They were a constant reassurance to Lan Minghui; she never failed to think of her brothers at the sight of the bracelets. The tassel from Lan Biyun that hung on her dizi was similar, too; it felt as if Lan Minghui carried her sister's spirit with it.

"A-Hui, regardless of what happens, we'll always be together in spirit," Lan Xichen reassures firmly, his usually gentle eyes fixated with a serious, focused light, though hidden underneath was the familiar kindness that made Lan Minghui feel safe.

Lan Biyun, who also seemed to be bearing similar worries to Lan Minghui, seemed to repress her anxiety, shooting her younger twin a trustful look accompanied with a smile before adding, "Those who we love never truly leave us. Let's release our lanterns!"

As Lan Minghui reached down to get hers, she felt a hand resting on her shoulder. As she straightened up, her dark brown eyes met light, golden ones; Lan Wangji's eyes. It was almost impossible to notice, but there were the hints of encouragement and comfort in his facial expressions.

Grateful for her siblings, Lan Minghui lit a flame for her lantern, releasing it into the rapidly darkening sky. Watching the faint dot of orange grow smaller and smaller, she whispered, "I wish I'll be able to protect all my loved ones, use both my head and heart in equal measure, and live a complete-feeling life."


Despite the rule against gossiping in the Cloud Recesses, word that Jin Zixuan and Wei Wuxian had a fight because of Jin Zixuan's supposed treatment towards Jiang Yanli spread around like a wildfire, and before long, everyone who was currently residing in the Cloud Recesses knew of it. The next moment, Jiang Fengmian and Jin Guangshan, the leaders of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect and the Lanling Jin Sect, respectively, were at the Cloud Recesses, and the engagement between Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli was cancelled.

Lan Minghui, who had been cultivating through meditation in her room, had just exited her room when she was nearly knocked over by Lan Wangji, who was noticeably unhappy.

After recovering from the shock, Lan Minghui asked, "Wangji, why do you seem so displeased?"

"Wei Ying" was all Lan Wangji gave for a response, but Lan Minghui remembered what had happened. Gosh, the two of you are so impossible!

At the end of lectures at the Cloud Recesses

Today was the final day of lectures at the Cloud Recesses, meaning that in the early afternoon, Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, and Lan Wangji would be setting out to search for the Yin Iron together. Would she also run into Xue Yang? The thought of him made Lan Minghui's heartbeat quicken with anticipation. It's been so long...

"Wangji, Biyun, Minghui, be careful and stay safe," Lan Xichen reminded.

"Wangji hopes that the results of the search will be successful," Lan Wangji responded firmly, bowing to display his respect for his older brother.

Bidding farewell to Lan Xichen one last time, Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, and Lan Wangji turned to leave the Cloud Recesses. As they made their way over to the river where they'd take a boat to Tanzhou, a voice behind them called, "Lan Zhan! Lan-guniang! Lan-er-guniang!"

The three of them turned to find Wei Wuxian dashing over, with Wei Xingsi following close behind.

"Lan Zhan, wait for me! You can't possibly be leaving without me, can you?" Wei Wuxian pouted, patting Lan Wangji on the shoulder.

"No need," Lan Wangji answered brusquely, pushing away Wei Wuxian's hand.

"Aiya, Lan Zhan, why not? I can help! Sure, you and your sisters are capable enough, but won't having some extra hands on deck be helpful?" Wei Wuxian persuaded. Holding up three fingers to indicate his sincerity, he added, "And I won't mess around or annoy you!"

Lan Minghui nearly laughed. "Wei-gongzi, I'm sorry, but I think you've already failed to avoid upsetting Wangji."

Pfft- Lan Biyun cracked up silently in laughter until Lan Wangji shot her a glare, and she quickly put on a neutral expression. And Wei Xingsi, though she was flushed slightly in embarrassment, couldn't help but snicker, too.

"I- That - That was before I made my promise, okay?" Wei Wuxian stammered. "I won't intentionally cause problems! OH MY GOSH, JIE, FOR THE SAKE OF JIANG CHENG'S PUPPIES, STOP LAUGHING!"


A few minutes later, Lan Wangji agreed to let Wei Wuxian and Wei Xingsi join them, though he didn't explicitly say so. As the five of them stepped onto the boat, it started sailing downriver to Tanzhou.

Wei Xingsi suddenly elbowed the two other girls discreetly. As Lan Biyun and Lan Minghui turned towards her in confusion, she whispered, "Wen Chao should be somewhere nearby!"

Alarmed, Lan Minghui turned around. She swore she saw a flash of red just then...

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