Trip to the movies 1/2

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-Based off of Events from the film featival episode aka "I am Vampire"-

Yusef as usual was at his flower shop talking with Jade

"Yusef can we address the elephant in the room."

"Hey i know i have wide hips but that is no reason to call me fat!"

"What? No, no, i mean you and pineapple"

"Oh- we're just friends.."

"Yusef you literally go in the cat cafe everyday"

"Heyy...he makes peach tea the way i like, plus the cats are adorable that is no reason to think i like him"

"I've heard you talking to the roses about him"


"we're you hugged enough as a child?"

"Luna has been getting to you go and make some vases and repent"

*Jade giggled*

"Anyway theres this thing, the movie festival don is holding, you gonna participate?"

" not camera ready."

"...HA, ok are you doing it though?"

"I hate how i look in videos so no."

"Awh alright- well im doing one, its gonna be me making like a 6 meter vase so if you wanna join me you can"


*a few hours later Luna came in recording*

"And in here we have the person with the biggest and best flowers but an even bigger stick up his a-"

"OH LITTLE DEVIL-! your language, two, please dont record me and- awhhhhh you think i have the best flowers"

"Flattery gets everywhere with him and rumor has it he talks to flowers.."

"Why does everyone know about that!Luna are you here for that same film festival thing?"

"Shhh..youre an extra in the background no talking."

"UGH, Im goin' on break"

*he got up and left seeing everyone recording and making their own movies, he walked into the cat cafe and sat down*

"What? You arent doing sure you'll win with cat videos"

"I dont like being in videos? What about you, aren't you going to record flowers or something"

"I dont like the camera either, im good with selfies.."

"I am gonna be in the projection room though"

"Can i join, since im gonna yknow i'll be free"

"Kai, Are you saying that because you wanna hang out with me?"


"Sure i guess don will let another person in"

"Youre amazing...."

"That came out of the blue"

"Well cause yknow um- youre great everyone thinks youre great"

*Luna walked in and spotted them talking to one another*

" better not be giving him free stuff you said you'd save the blueberry scone for me yknow"

"Why would i give him the blueberry scone"

"Cause he's your favourite"

*his face lit up and he turned to pineapple*
"Im your favourite-!"

"I dont have any favourites"


*Luna turned to him*

"Oh and by the way Pineapple told me your name Kai..its so basic, but it fits"

" im basic now"

"What no- Kai dont be like that"

*Kai folded his arms and looked at her*

"Im just messin' with hows the Film thing going?"

"Pretty niceee i recorded the cat cafe with Charlene, and for someone who's related to Maria teresa i was surprised you didnt like the camera, both of you can be so dramatiicc"

"I am not dramatic"

"You almost screamed after seeing a mouse big guy"

*pineapple blushed embarrassed*

"That was a moment of vulnurabilty that was supposed to stay inside that house luna."

"And now its in the cafe buddy."

*Kai spoke up*

"Luna stop tormenting the guy who gives you free scones."

"What he's dramatic-! Its the truth, you shouldve seen him when i barged in on his skin routi-"

"Stop airing out my business please"

Pinepple shoved a scone in her mouth kai chuckled

"Ya'll have an interesting dynamic"

"She needs to stop talking about my activities that i do in private."

"I think its sweet that you too are so close"

"You act more like a brother to her than me"

"Nah i already have a brother"



*Luna left, leaving Kai and Pineapple alone*

"Im gonna go i need to help set up for the festival"

"Oh i can help"

"The equipment is can help with decorations, i cant have you breaking anything"

"I dont break stuff."

"Youre the only person i give plastic cups too"

"..Hurtful, i handle ceramic vases all the time"

"Jade is the one that carries them in"

"And youre mad about luna talking about your business Hypocrite"

Both of them looked at one another before laughing, Kai nudging pineapple

"You are just peachy yknow that"

"I am, and you are just a ray of sunshine."

*Kai smiled brightly*


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