Flower Boy

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Author's note: loosly based on the events of The episode Ener-G-Shoes

Jade popped up into Yusef's flower shop as usual

"Hey maria teresa is having a garage sale wanna check it out?"

*Yusef almost dropped the vase in his hands*


*Jade laughed*

"Is this an excuse to annoy luna?"


"Cmon man, I saw a vintage looking flute that has my name on it."

*yusef nudged her*

"Im gonna haggle the prices down"

"You have well than enough money nepo-baby"

"Shhhhh its not about the money, its about the art of the craft."

They headed to the garage sale and Yusef saw luna

"So Lu-L-"

"Dont even think about it."

"I didnt even finish my sentence yetttt-!!"

"I know what youre trying to do the answer is no. Maria Teresa told me no haggling under any circumstances."

"Come onnnnn..."

"I will not humor you, look at victor you can see him trying and failing at it..miserably, go haggle with someone else..."

"Like who?!"


Luna looked around then had a mischevious smirk

"How bout pineapple, word of advice though, he's stone colddd...you'll be there for hours."

"P-Pineapple- how about Maria i can lay on the charm and-"

"What are you? Chicken-! Cant lay the charm on the big guy~?"

"Luna come on."

*jade popped up*

"I wouldnt try that unless you wanna be embarrassed"

"Mmmmmmm.......i'll do it.."

*Jade groaned*

"Alright its your dignity."

Yusef sauntered over to pineapple a little nervous

"Heyyyy Piña."

*pineapple looked at him and then gestured to the table, Yusef was eyeing a pretty cute flower vase and decided to haggle for that, he checked the price seeing it was for 1200*

"This is a nice vase though...how bout 1000"


"Come on..i am your best customer arent i?"

"still. No. We have a no haggling policy"

"What if i throw in...an assorted bouquet for a special someone- if you have a special someone? Do you-?"


"No to what?"


At this point Yusef saw what luna did, he even saw her giggling in the corner of hid eye but was too deep into it at this point, trying to save himself the embarrassment

"Not even for lil' ole me"

"No Yusef."

"What if-"

"No Ifs, ands or buts."

*Yusef whispered*
"Ok look luna put me up to this-"

"And you took her up on it?"

*he folded his arms*

"Well....at least try..if she was willing to humor you i guess i should be too."

"Ok starting at 1000."









Pineapple let out a soft chuckle

"A for effort."

"Luna was right you really are cold."

"Quite Freezing."

"How come we dont talk like this in the mornings"

"Because you only sit and stare at me."

"Oooohhhhhhh...sorry about that"

"Maybe if you did talk to me once in a while, i'd be willing to haggle."

"Or give me a peach tea on the house?"

"Dont push it flower boy."

"What im only human."

Luna and Jade's POV

They've been talking for like 2 hours..this isnt nearly as funny or embarrassing as i thought it would be to be honest.

*jade chuckled*

I mean Yusef does alwaya go to the cafe in the morning-

"Pineapple say's he looks at him all the time"

"Eh He has actually fallen asleep with his eyes open like..right infront of me, so he couldve been sleeping"


"You live with Charlene and Pineapple."

"Touché, but i wonder what theyre talkin' about though."

Yusef spoke to pineapple a little while longer

"So i should just pay for this vase in full at this point"

"I mean unless you want a curse put on you."

"Oh you wouldnt curse me, thats Charlene's thing youre like way to much of a gentle giant to do that."

"Oh really?"

"Well duh, youre a total sweetheart plus you have a whole cat cafe thats a total green flag"

"..i'll sell the vase to you for..1100"


"Flattery gets you everywhere, plus no one has tried to haggle with me like this, and i want to see luna's face"

"You are a godsent!"

he bought the vase then walked back over to luna a big shit eating grin on his face

"Oh whats with the face, theres no way you haggled pineapple."

*Yusef showed the recipt*

"Read it and weep-!"

"Oh shut it its just a $100 difference!"

"I still haggled. HA!"

*Jade peaked over*

"Well damn-! How did you do that, with Pine no less."

"A expert haggler never reveals his secrets, now let me rub this in luna's face."

*Luna groaned loudly*
"God im gonna deal with this for the rest of the day jesus christ."

"You did this to yourself for challenging Moi~ now deal with it."

Victor And Valentino Oc Fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora