Morning, Guys!

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Uh, can I say that? I'd like to believe that it's morning everywhere in the Western world, regardless of how early it may be in certain places. Enh, sue me, I'm British - we're ignorant. XD

Uh, yeah, sooooo... This is a book of mine. Hello. Welcome, eheh cx

In this book thingeh, I'll be writing about... uhm, just... Just what it is to be gender fluid.

Like, I try to avoid answering questions about it, because I've only been freshly awakened to what I am and some questions start to get offensive...

...Sorry, thoughts. Thinking and typing, apparently I struggle to do that, ahah. Cx

...I write this book to...not explain myself. No, to, uh, give you a glimpse into my mind? And, also, I know some of you baby boys and girls may be struggling out there, trying to find yourself. So, maybe I can be a little inspirational? Informative?

I guess we'll see. It would mean a helluva lot to me if you guys could comment. It doesn't mean much to me to see random votes, but comments are nice. ⌒.⌒

Uh, yah. Ima end it here, because I really know how to make a short thing long. xD


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