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We are meeting Faizan today.

Abbu contacted him and we decided to meet at F&F Innovation and go to the cafe across the building. Abbu will arrive at the company then we will make our way to the cafe.

After my nap yesterday, I woke up to thousands of texts from api expressing her excitement about the proposal from Faizan. She then face-timed me and continued to express her excitement and also pointed out that Zahid bhai is just as excited. Faizan ended up blocking him because he was texting him non-stop about the proposal.

During the whole time api started planning the wedding- even though I haven’t said my answer- I tried my best to cool down my cheeks which were getting warmed up.

I don’t even know why this has such an effect on me. Faizan and I barely exchanged one or two words and all of our interactions were sudden.

From the wedding to the internship.

Somehow we always found ourselves in the same place.

My attention turns to my phone when it rings. The caller ID shows abbu’s name before the screen turns black.

He’s downstairs.

I quickly turn off my computer, put all my things in my bag and get up to leave. I wave goodbye to my team members and hurry to the elevator.

I take the elevator to the lobby and when it opens I find Faizan and abbu by the entrance, talking.

I quickly make my way to them and they both turn their attention to me. 

Assalamu Alikum,” I sign.

Wale Kum Assalam,” they greet back.

“Should we leave?” Faizan asks abbu.


Faizan holds the door and lets me and abbu exit first then follows after us.

We make our way across the street and enter the cafe.

We take our seat on the corner table by the window. I sit with abbu and Faizan sits across from us.

Before we start talking, we order some drinks. Abbu and Faizan order coffee while I order a lemonade.

“Now, you two can talk.” abbu says. I nod and take out my phone.

“It’s okay, you can sign.” I look up at Faizan voice, “I learnt sign language.”

“Really? When?”

“Three days ago.”

My mouth falls open in shock.

Did he just say he learnt sign language in three days?

“I am still not fluent but I can understand what you’ll sign.”

I blink at him multiple times.

Masha’Allah. That’s very impressive.” abbu says.

“Thank you.”

“How is it possible?” I sign.

“It’s easier for me to adapt and learn things quickly than everyone else,” he says. When I continue to stare at him with my mouth open, he looks away and clears his throat, “so, what did you want to ask me?”

I blink and shake my head, “Right." He looks back at me, "I wanted to ask some questions to get to know you better and what your views are for the future,” he nods, “you can ask me questions as well.”


“Okay, I already know about your business but is there something else you could tell me? I don’t fully trust articles.”

“Yes. Well, I always wanted to have my own business and then in college when I met Farhan, we shared the same idea and dream. In our last semester, we started working on our business and then in less than two years, it became very successful, Alhumdulillah.” Faizan explains with pride. Through his words and his expression, it shows how grateful he is for the opportunity.

“What do you do when you’re not working?” I sign, “do you have any hobbies?”

“I spend most of my time at the office and reach home late. But I'd say I usually recite the Quran when I am not doing anything related to work. It helps calm down my mind.”

A smile takes over my lips at his answer, “I’m glad to know your way of relaxing yourself. It’s similar to mine.”


I nod, “I usually find solace in prayer. I would pray then end up sleeping on the prayer mat. My mind would always be at peace when I wake up.”

“That’s true.” he says then after a moment asks, “do you have any hobbies?”

“I like to paint.” I sign, “But I haven’t been getting any inspiration to paint anything. It’s a bit annoying but hopefully I will paint something.”

“Oh, well, I would love to see one of your paintings. If you don’t mind.”

“I don’t have any on me right now but maybe. In the future.” I give him a smile and he looks at me, unblinking.

We quickly break our eye contact when abbu clears his throat loud enough for us to hear. I look at abbu and find him fighting a smile. My cheeks start to warm up, I grab my lemonade and take a big chug just when Faizan picks up his coffee to drink.

We continue our conversation, Faizan also asks me a few questions about what I look for in a partner.

I tell him that I want a partner who trusts me and is loyal. Who is able to take care of my needs, help me and open up to me about anything. Someone who helps me become closer to my deen and become a better Muslim.

I also let him know that I will also do my best to take care of my partner and his needs, support him in his career and help him in anything he wants.

After a while, the conversation ends on a good note and my heart feels much better after getting to know Faizan.

"Can I ask one last question?" I sign.


"Um, I hope you don't mind but um, I noticed that your and Zahid bhai's last names are different." I sign, "I thought you were brothers."

"We are. Zahid's mother adopted me when I was six and my mother had left. Malik is Zahid's mother's and my biological mother's last name or caste to be specific. That's why my and Zahid's last names are different."

I make my a "oh" expression as I nod.

"Would it be a problem?" He asks.

I shake my head, "no, no, I was just curious."


Our conversation comes to an end. Abbu and Faizan do a light conversation while we finish our drinks then we get up to leave.

“Have a safe ride home,” Faizan says as we walk towards my car.

“You too, beta.” abbu says with a smile, “Allah Hafiz.”

Allah Hafiz,”

Allah Hafiz, Faizan,” I sign from the passenger seat.

The corner of his lips curl up a little, “Allah Hafiz, Arzo.”

Faizan doesn’t walk away as abbu pulls my car out of the parking spot. They both wave each other the last time before abbu drives the car out of the parking lot.

I look back and catch Faizan going back inside the building. I smile and sit back.

“Do you feel better after talking to him, beta?” abbu asks. I nod in response, not being able to suppress my smile.

Ya Allah, please make us the best partner for each other.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟎𝟏Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora