Heat cycle - Kege

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Intro + Diagram

As previously discussed in this text, Yeganis experience a heat cycle, known as "Kege" (a shortening of the "Kesen Gehena" ritual's name) among them, which occurs five times a year. This cycle represents a state of heightened primal need and lasts for approximately three weeks. The cycle is characterized by six distinct stages: three stages of increasing intensity, where the Yeganis' physiological and behavioral responses peak, followed by three stages of gradual decline as the effects of the cycle wane. Each stage lasts roughly 2-3 days on average and presents unique physiological and behavioral changes, reflecting the Yeganis' intricate connection to their natural and instinctual drives.

 Each stage lasts roughly 2-3 days on average and presents unique physiological and behavioral changes, reflecting the Yeganis' intricate connection to their natural and instinctual drives

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Stage 1

The first stage of the Yegani heat cycle, often referred to as the "calm before the storm," marks the onset of subtle yet significant changes within the individual. During this initial phase, the Yegani experiences more pronounced mood fluctuations, which can range from heightened irritability to increased sensitivity (both physical and emotional). Concurrently, their usual sex drive sees a slight uptick, signaling the beginning of their heightened reproductive state.

Physiologically, the Yegani's body starts to prepare for the more intense stages to come. One key change is a noticeable increase in appetite, as the body instinctively seeks to gather the necessary energy reserves. This increased hunger ensures they are adequately fueled for the physical and emotional demands of the following stages. Stage One also marks the beginning of an increase in pheromone production. In this stage, slightly more pheromones are exuded, and in more concentrated amounts.

Perhaps the most striking transformation is in their eyes. The normally white sclera begins to take on a faint blue hue, a direct result of blood vessel dilation. This subtle yet visible change serves as a clear indicator of the impending cycle to those familiar with Yegani physiology. As these signs emerge, the Yegani and those around them prepare for the progression into the more intense phases of their heat cycle.

Stage 2

To most observers, the changes associated with stage 2 of the Yegani heat cycle become clearly noticeable. This stage, essentially a more pronounced and intense version of stage one, introduces several significant alterations in the individual's physiology and behavior.

One of the primary changes is heightened physical sensitivity. Yeganis become hypersensitive to touch, especially in areas such as the erogenous zones, ears, and neck. This increased sensitivity often leads to subtle cramps and aches if the individual is not sexually stimulated. While these sensations are uncomfortable, they remain bearable.

Additionally, the body temperature of the Yegani starts to rise during stage 2. Their skin becomes noticeably hotter to the touch due to blood vessel dilation, and the individual feels warmer than usual. Stage Two also sees a further escalation in pheromone production. The amount of pheromones exuded increases significantly, and they become even more concentrated, amplifying the individual's allure to potential mates.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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