:Part Two: Chapter Fifteen

Start from the beginning

"It's a pretty good place," Chris was saying. "They've got this carnival happening this weekend, and a friend of ours' invited us to stay at his house. It overlooks a pretty cool lake, and as its autumn, maple leaves are all over."

Jonny's face fell. "This weekend?" he asked. Chris nodded. "Sucks, we're heading off to my gramps ranch this weekend; tomorrow, actually."

"Seriously, a ranch?" Chris asked.

Jonny nodded. "Yeah, don't knock it till you try it," he defended, animatedly, spotting me. "It's a pumpkin supplier, and all that. Makes lots of doe. Our family go every year to help in the harvest, and then as it's ending, we make up this game. This time we can only go this weekend so we only have time for the game."

I smirked. "And I beat them nil to fifty-four last time," I said, laughing when Jonny rolled his eyes.

"Not this year, sis," he countered, tilting his chin up adorably. "Dad and I are going to burry you in pumpkins."

I laughed maniacally. "Bring it on, little brother. Take another whiff of masculine femininity." All the while as we bickered, our friends watched up with amused smiles.

"I don't think so," Jonny added. We

Duke, who'd been in seated in the back seat with the door open, perked up. "Oh, you didn't hear," he said, causing both Jonny and I to perk up. "That's been cancelled. Mum booked us all to visit my aunt up in Edmonton."

Jonny didn't say a word as he slowly looked down, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. Duke didn't seem to notice something was wrong as the silence stretched. Chris and Elliot shared a glance and then Elliot moved closer to me.

I near couldn't breathe with this revelation. I couldn't even imagine what they were thinking pulling this off. "What?" it was barely a whispered, but Duke seemed to understand the situation as he took a look at both of us, finally.

He nodded. "Yeah," he said. "Mum said it would be a bonding thing, to get the whole group together. She said you knowing her side of the family could lighten things out around the house... hey, are you alright?"

I wondered how they would have come out and told us. Hey, guys! So, listen, we won't be going to the ranch tomorrow and instead we'll ride all the way to Edmonton to visit my sister, who hates dogs.

Our father's gift had been a dog, a rather huge breed that had proven its genes weeks after its arrival. Ella's face had been a mixture of shock and exasperation as our father had explained how Jonny had always wanted a dog. I'd seen the look on her face every time she'd seen the puppy, and I knew she didn't want it.

But to take this away from Jonny, whose world was constantly dominated with her changing everything, was the last straw. Not even Elliot's calming hand on my shoulder could take it away.

"Who told you this?" I asked instead.

Duke nodded, brows furrowed as he watched me in particular, curiously. "Just about a week ago. I asked her about this thing happening this weekend and she told me not to make any plans. Kind of sucks I can't just shuck the whole thing and stay at home. Man, I feel sorry for you guys to have to meet Cynthia."

"We won't," the words hadn't come from me. I turned to my brother with a startled stare, surprised he'd been the one to erupt, even more surprised by the anger in his voice. He turned from all of us and went around the car, jumping into the front seat.

I didn't say a word either, attempting to pull myself together. Jonny's words made the decision for me. "I'll see you guys Monday," I said.

Jonny and Duke didn't say a word the entire time we were at home, each of them preferring the confines of their rooms, Duke was probably planning how to escape going to his aunt Cynthia's. Timmy had made it known one time she was a cranky bugger.

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