52. Tell Me, Darling

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| Third Person POV |

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| Third Person POV |

Mackenzie Campbell -  10 years old 

Mackenzie had been begging and pestering her mother for a baby sister, and she thought that by having a sister, it would take the weight off her shoulders. She thought that her mother would stop pestering her about the clothes that she should wear, which she knew that her family couldn't afford, or who she was friends with. 

All her life, her mother had tried to force her into the clique group at school, and Mackenzie wasn't a fan of it. She had one best friend, and that was enough. The two of them, were inseparable. Mackenzie didn't want to be the popular kid in school, as none of her older brothers had been in THE popular group, but they had been on the popular side of school.

Yes, she was popular for her looks, even at the age of 10, but they didn't like her clothes. She had been teased by all the girls for her clothes and the boys would just laugh along. When she had asked her mother why this was the case at the age of 7, her mother had just told her that they could buy her more. 

Mackenzie knew from a very young age that they didn't have money. She had seen most kids that had older siblings, were not working down at diners or taking them to school. She knew that her brothers had become like the parents she never had, besides her mother, who was there when she wanted to be there. She knew her mother was different with her to the rest of her siblings, and she had seen it plain as day. 

From the throwing of shoes at her older brother Kaiden, to the constant asking of Greyson as to why he was so skinny, and to Cameron why he wasn't as smart as Auston, but then to Auston, it was why he wasn't working hard enough for her and being too smart. But to her, her mother was better, or so she thought. 

"Kenz, when I get out of this hospital because of your sister, I will take you on a coffee date" Mackenzie could already feel the hatred oozing off her mother at the fact that she was in a hospital for the birth of the final child. Mackenzie was the only one that had known that her mother had planned all of them, just so their father would stick around. 

Her mother wasn't old like the rest of the mothers, as she had had Auston at 17, just to keep their father around, and then they later married at 19, a year before they planned to have their second child, Cameron, before Greyson and the rest of them were on the way. Mackenzie was the only person that their mother confided in, because she couldn't tell anyone else, just how much she wished that she was loved. 

That was when Mackenzie had drawn the conclusion that she couldn't love her sons because her husband wouldn't love her enough to know how to love a man, a boy really, back. In all reality, their father had never loved their mother back enough, so she had been manipulative and tied him down with a child, one after the other, which he progressively hated more and more, until the baby of them all was born, but that still didn't make him stay. 

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