🤗🤗𝓘'𝓶 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾🤗🤗

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Adhithi lay awake, unable to close her eyes. Every time she tried; images of Ishaan's kiss flooded her mind. She could still feel the touch of his lips on her forehead, his hands gently resting on her waist and cheek. It was almost as if he was there beside her, in her bed, in her room. Then, the sound of rain hitting her window snapped her out of her reverie. A wave of indescribable emotion washed over her, a blend of happiness, love, and anticipation that she couldn't quite identify. The chilly breeze that the rain brought in had cooled her room significantly. Restlessly, she turned in her bed, sleep eluding her. Eventually, she rose, wrapping herself in a blanket.

"Since I'm awake, I might as well enjoy the rain," she thought to herself.

Approaching the window, she pulled back the curtain. The downpour was intense, having started half an hour ago. Her eyes then caught sight of a figure standing below, soaked to the skin. He was looking up, directly at her. In a flash of realization, she recognized Ishaan. The sound of his motorbike never came because he never left; he had been there the whole time, standing in the rain, gazing up at her room. Dropping the blanket, she hurried downstairs.

"What are you doing?" she demanded, her voice tinged with anger.

"I wasn't ready to leave. I wanted to stay with you a bit longer," he replied.

"You should have just said so. Why act so childishly?" she chided.

"The last time I broached such a topic, we ended up not speaking to each other for nearly two weeks. I had no intention of causing a repeat of that silence. Thus, my plan was to linger here a bit longer, then depart without a word. However, it seems the rain has thwarted my intentions. Perhaps now is the time for me to leave, right?"

Ishaan braced himself for her usual outburst, but to his astonishment, she embraced him, her sobs breaking the silence. Despite the deluge soaking them to the bone, her tears felt warm against his chest. Although her tears might seem exaggerated to some, she was deeply moved and simultaneously angered by Ishaan's actions. It was the first time she experienced the sensation of someone acting foolishly on her behalf. She was so affected that she couldn't hold back her tears. Ishaan felt an inner warmth, realizing this was the first time she had openly shown her emotions in front of him.

 Ishaan felt an inner warmth, realizing this was the first time she had openly shown her emotions in front of him

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"This must be the woman meant for me. If not her, then no one else will do," Ishaan realized. She had a unique way of reaching into corners of his heart that no one else had ever stirred. Every day, she revealed new facets of him to himself, awakening instincts he never knew he possessed. He embraced her whole heartedly letting go all his previous inhibitions. He tightened his hold more as way of reassuring them both.

"Are you worried about me?" he inquired, receiving no response.

"You're with me for life, Adhi. I won't let you go, not in this lifetime. If not you, then no one," he declared.

She started pounding on his chest with her fists, her sobs intensifying.

"Why are you doing this to me, Ishaan? Why give me hope for something that will never be? I know that even the most beautiful things can change, including you. I don't want to risk it. I'm fine on my own; that's what I've taught myself. Who are you to break down my walls? Why offer me a future I've always desired but will never have?" Adhithi sobbed into his embrace.

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